[color=9e0039]CORRINE DOOLAK[/color] - The Gun Shop [i]I guess our date's over,[/i] was Corrine's first, sad thought, as her and Steve's private chat turned into an impromptu gathering. Steve was right in that they had to start rounding up folks to execute a plan for defending the town, but couldn't she have had five more minutes? Especially since they'd been interrupted so rudely... "To get a gun.... This is a Gun store is it not?", James snapped, "Plasma defender may be good up close but I need something for long range, maybe one of lever action rifles Old Grumpy has.” [i]"I wasn't ruining any 'tour guiding,'" he said. Cocky, unapologetic asshole. I like him less and less with each passing moment. No manners at all.[/i] "The owner's dead, I hear", Steve said, "Not sure who is seeing to his affairs these days. Probably oughta find who that is before you go walking off with something. Folk out in the Wasteland tend to shoot thieves....just sayin'" "No one that I know of," Corrine added. "Unless it's Brooks. Guns ain't exactly my thing." “I have my own plan to help out," the stranger began quietly. "I was in a Brotherhood of Steel vertibird on the way over here when it crashed somewhere on the island. It’s got good gear on it: power armor, heavy weapons, ammunition, and the armor plating could be salvaged from it”, he looked over at Steve. “I have a device that can locate the downed vertibird, but it broke when I… fell out of the bird mid air.”, he held out the transmitter device to Steve. “Think you can fix it? Also what are your names? I’m James Gregor Castner, former Paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel." Corrine peered over Steve's shoulder to look at the device. Her scavver instincts kicked in immediately and she nearly salivated at the thought of the parts inside it, just waiting to be rescued. She forced herself to return her gaze back into the room. "I'm Corrine. My family's been on the island for generations," she nodded, wary of extending her hand to the newest stranger. "Nice to hear we have another mainlander on our side."