[i]They say, in the universe, there are 3 great powers. First is the Space Pirates. Cutthroats, assassins and brigands that will raid, steal and slaughter anyone in their never-ending search for wealth power, able to stay ahead of the competition with their mysterious Tao magic. Second are the Outlaws, those who work outside the law, who chart their own destinies, searching for treasure, fighting Pirates whenever possible and never, ever stopping in their ceaseless quest for adventure. Thirdly are the mighty Space Forces. Immense warships, ready to be deployed at a moments notice to quell the fighting and maintain a grasp on what little control the Earth Federation maintains over the frontier territories. What many forget about is the 4th power. The Private Security forces. Over the many Centuries, Humanity's territory expanded rapidly and as many interstellar Colony's and States were formed, The Space Forces were founded to provide equal protection for all. However, in the vastness of space, not all Colony's had access to its full protection and Resources. This gave birth to the Private Security forces, ran by private conglomerates and enterprises. Protecting developing worlds and valuable trade-routes that keeps the galaxy going. However, such protection is not cheap. The enormous costs of keeping their powerful Warships and Battle-Carriers going is too much for a large number of the lower income worlds, struggling to survive on the open frontier. "We aren't cheap, but the Space Forces don't give a crap and we can take on anything the Pirates and Outlaws have to throw at us. You can bet your life, because it's safe with us."[/i] [hider=Gregorio]Name: Captain Gregorio Stesnaia Appearance: [img]http://anime.astronerdboy.com/wp-content/uploads/blogger/_abkMP58OLUA/SV8mr4vM2CI/AAAAAAAAKVw/EjU3aH-fKHs/s1600/03%2BCaptain%2BHijikata.jpg[/img] Age: 42 Race: Human Skills: Crack-shot Marksman (During his time in the Space Forces, he got to know how to use a gun with immense skill. Although he's getting on in years, he's still known as a hell of a shot.) Tactical Command (Having captained starships for the last 20 years, he knows how to hold his own in a tactical combat situation.) Experienced grappler (Being that he started his career as a Grappler, he knows how to do it. He may not have done it since before he entered the Academy, but he still knows how to pilot a Grappler.) Personality: Gregorio has a driven and positive personality and displays strong compassion for those he cares about and empathy for those who. He is extremely driven to do well and be a role model to those around him. His strong compassion and empathy are known to inspire others to great feats that they did not realize they were capable of. He tries to play himself as the grumpy captain, but everyone knows that, when the chips are down, he will not give up, he will persivere and he will get the best outcome in any given situation. Bio: Born as youngest son of the Stesnaia family, he was born into the upper-middle class. He enjoyed a childhood with education and luxury, but it wasn't all fun and games. The Stesnaia's were the owners of a Private Security Force known as "Aegis-Steed Enterprises" Although his older brothers were ahead of him in line to take over, he suspected he wouldn't be able to see any proper action. His father saw this and tried to convince him to stick with the family business by hiring a Grappler and having him taught in Grappler-combat. When he was 14, he first started flying his Grappler in combat for his father's company. It isn't uncommon, on the frontier, for young men to learn Grappler combat by being thrown in the deep end and he slowly became rather good at it. When he was 18, his father passed away and James, his eldest brother took charge of the company. James was a competant businessman and captain. James second eldest brother, Lance, decided to leave. He had only stuck about because he hoped their father would pass the company to him instead. With Lance gone, Gregorio decided to leave too. James had relegated him to paperwork, wanting to keep his youngest brother out of the fighting. Gregorio travelled towards the inner rim, before joining the Space Forces. He quickly made his way through the academy and was soon posted to a patrol-ship as a commando. During one daring raid by a group of Kei Pirates. Using their Tao magic, they managed to kill the captain. Gregorio was forced to take command of the ship and fought them off. The crew stood with him and he remained captain until they got back to port. When they returned to port, a new captain was assigned, but awful news reached Gregorio. James had been crippled in a battle and was going to need time to get cybornetic replacements fitted for his mangled limbs. Gregorio took some leave and went back home to captain the companies fleet for a time. James' recovery time turned from weeks into months and Gregorio was forced to tend his resignation from the Space Forces. When James saw how well Gregorio was doing and how natural he was in the captains seat. He decided to take a step back from the captains chair and went into the administrative side of things. Over the last 20 years, he has been working over the frontier, helping developing worlds like Sentinel and Gorval, gotten married, had a son and garnered a hell of a reputation. Equipment: Shortbarrel Pistol Combat Knife. Other:[/hider] [hider=Malla]Name: Malla Stesnaia Appearance: [img]http://pre14.deviantart.net/4d84/th/pre/i/2016/041/f/0/aisha_clanclan_by_lillinapocalypse-d9r9djj.png[/img] Age: 72 Race: Ctarl-Ctarl Skills: Marksman (Working as member of the Ctarl-Ctarl Empire means you learn to get good with a pistol or die in glory.) Close-Combat Specialist (Like all members of her race, she is loud, powerful and tough to take in a straight-up fight. She fights with her claws, her sword and anything else she can get her hands on.) [url=https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/outlawstar/images/b/bc/Aisha_Clan-Clan_transformed.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140530214303]Beast-Form[/url] (Like all Ctarl-Ctarl, she is capable of transforming into a beastial state that grants immense strength and physical ability, although at the cost of their reason. The change is temporary, but devastating. Transforming consumes a lot of energy, so when tired or hungry, transforming is difficult, if not impossible.) Natural Defenses (Ctarl-Ctarl are natural born warriors, as such, their bodies have evolved to reflect this. Her skin is impenetrable to small-arms and blades and even stabbing weapons have trouble with it. Although the larger caliber weapons are not as unthreatening.) Personality: Loud, brash, bloodthirsty, but all-in-all, a good wife and mother. Ctarl-Ctarl are known for their single-mindedness and Malla is no exception. Born into a proud, yet small family, she has a chip on her shoulder and is more than willing to show others this. Quick to Anger, she usually needs to be kept in check by her husband, otherwise she lets her impulses get the better of her. She is immensely protective of her family. Any threats towards them are usually met with her transforming into her Beast-form. Bio: Born into the Grao-Grao Family, she had to work for everything she got. Working her way into the military, working her way up to becoming captain of one of the Imperial Warships, she was like all other captains. Battle chants sang as the ship screamed towards their enemies, Pirate scum ripped apart with her bare claws, Space Forces fools ignored and fought for the honour of the Empire. All until she came into a fight against the Kura Pirates. She was unprepared for their Tao magics. Her ship was defeated and would have been captured, had Aegis-Steed Enterprises not intervened. Their warships combined were able to work together and defeat the pirates. Afterwards, she became obsessed with the man that sullied her honour by helping her in a matter that she should have been able to do herself. Tracking him down, she tried to kill him, but instead, he managed to convince her to join him. 15 years down the line, they have a 10 year old son and they are married. Equipment: Caster (Casters are weapons that fire immensely powerful magic shells. They take many different forms. Guns, Staves, etc. Malla's takes the form of a Gauntlet.) [url=http://www.propbay.com/attachments/original/3322d1335441432-kainans-hero-alien-sword-7.jpg]Sword[/url] (Made from Alemantine, an immensely strong material, capable of breaking even Cybornetics.) Other:[/hider] [hider=Lance Stensaia]Name: Lance Stesnaia Appearance: [URL=http://s463.photobucket.com/user/anthonycalderon/media/slide009-001-12.jpg.html][IMG]http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/anthonycalderon/slide009-001-12.jpg[/IMG][/URL]] Age: 45 Race: Human Skills: Tao Magician (Tao magic is a mysterious and powerful. His takes on several forms, although he usually attacks by summoning a giant blue dragon made of fire. He is also able to summon barriers, fire energy-blasts and take control of cybornetics.) Personality: Cold, calculating, but attempting to make himself a better person. Lance remains cold and distant to everyone, including his brother. Bio: Second in line to the Stesnaia fortune, he grew tired of waiting for a fortune that he knew he would never achieve. He left home and quickly fell in with Pirates, learning their magics and raising through the ranks to become a pirate captain. However, as time went on, he found he was unable order the mass genocide that the Pirates called for. He had to escape. He ran to his brother and begged to be taken back. Equipment: Staff Other:[/hider] [hider=Ship] Name: AES Trafalgar Appearance: [img]http://lighthousezen.up.seesaa.net/image/SBB205hagi.jpg[/img] Length: 300 meters Armaments: 4x3 Beam Cannon batteries. 16x2 Heavy Flak Cannons. 16x4 AA batteries. 9x2 Missile launchers. Crew: 300 Compliment: 10x [url=https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/outlawstar/images/8/86/Chinese_Grappler_Ship.png/revision/latest?cb=20140314052031]Grappler-Fighters[/url] 3x Shuttles. [/hider]