[hr][hr][center] [h2]Ramona Jessa Chalkley[/h2] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/ebc34c1695c967d8c99ba59329d8ed96/tumblr_omuokiexIN1vxty5lo1_500.gif[/img] [/center] [hr][hr] Jessa kept her peace, sat on her butt silently and listened with open ears but with no facial expression that would suggest she even was listening too much to the ideas of how to approach the situation thrown into room. But she did listen. And she did understand. And she did know that the both guys were basically measuring their lengths - she considered Nexus a guy now, due to his way of measuring with Garthar. [i]Boys. Always having the act like they are in a constant fight against each other.[/i] She knew that a couple of people on the ship considered themselves to be the best mechanic or engineer and she had gotten the feeling that both Nexus and Garthar felt like that description fit them. But they didn't know what she knew, didn't know the technical things that she had seen, that she had learned to operate with. But that was a whole other story, in the past, and she would be quiet and let the two guys fight for the spot of 'the best' of whatever. She knew she had more in her head than she showed and that was enough, she didn't need anyone else to know or to applause her. The idea of the captain seemed risky and not well thought through and instantly the woman worried for her friend Luci and her team mate Masha. The second-in-command not so much, she felt like he could handle anything with his papers and his stick in the ass. [i]You can't disrespect like that, Jessamae. Shut up.[/i] "I think we need to understand our enemy if we want to approach them properly. The key to a successful mission is planning, coordination and knowledge. And of course a good team, but to no doubt we have that." She kind of shot Masha a look unintentionally, somehow she felt like this woman had guts and would never disappoint. Chris would have probably argued with her that the success of a mission is more about luck and improvising, they had their differences but they were a great team. "Of course we could try to sneak in and out, but if their ship's technology has anywhere near the latest updates and possibilities, they will know we're there. We would have to hack their system to make sure no alarms will go off, no monitors will show our crew sneaking around where they shouldn't be. The hostages won't just be sitting around in the next corner either. We will probably have to fight. Of course hacking the system, if not done carefully and the right way, will set off an alarm straight away and we will be stuck in them firing at us, or them escaping within a heartbeat. If their system is not updated to the standard... good for us. But I wouldn't risk it without knowing for sure." The headache was making her vision blurry, but she tried to push the pain back and ignore it the best she could. "Then of course there's the question of the why. Why do they have those people and why are they still alive? Obviously they need them for something or need something from them. It would serve us well if we knew who these very important people were and what the Tichua would need them for. And I would suggest to have a very good plan for the distraction if we are gonna send them right into the stomach of the beast. They need a good story, and a better escape plan if they see through the lies." Her headache was getting worse by the second as she spoke. Thinking about the event clearly wasn't doing her well. She closed her eyes for a moment and rubbed her temple. A picture shot up in her mind. She saw the Tichua. She saw Masha and Luci and Rolands on their ship. But she couldn't see what would happen. The future can change, but once a vision appeared to a Vasciamaerian it was almost like set in stone. She knew that. She would rather not see the future right now. She would rather just... fuck... sleep. Her head was hurting. She opened her eyes and tried to look like she was fine, but her vision was blurred and her smile hurt her head even more. She would like to have something against the pain, but most things didn't work. After all it wasn't a normal headache. "We need people on the rescuing team that are quick on their feet, silent, fast in adapting to situations that we might didn't think of happening, quick thinkers, precise firing skills and that work together as a team perfectly. Someone with decent medical skills should be on the team, in case the hostages are hurt when we reach them. Someone skilled with opening locked doors of any kind would surely be a huge help as well. Radio contact to the Condor as well as all team mates on the enemy's ship would be preferably at all times. Who is going to stay on the Condor and navigate us if we end up in a section of the ship? We [i]do[/i] have a plan of their ship, right?" For a split second Jessa wondered if the new doctor knew something about her race and if maybe she would keep her secret if she told her and then maybe just maybe she could help her with the pain she always felt, with the visions she didn't wanna see, with everything that she couldn't tell anyone. But then shook the thought of. The doctor would report her as an alien race and she would turn out to be known as the one that brought the race of The Foreseeing back to light - back to suffering. She couldn't tell her. She couldn't trust her. Why did she want to trust her so badly? [i]Because she reminds you of her.[/i] That's enough. With one last push of her stubborn mind, she sent all thoughts about her past and her race to the back of her head, locked it into a closet that was way too full with secrets and left it there in the dark.