[h2]Johanna Faust[/h2] The command, so clearly given out, still left too little time to properly prepare for a Servant. Even a single action, something that the magus had enough time to do, wouldn't be able to compensate for a sudden change in attack vector. It was the worst possible situation to be in when your attacker could strike incredibly quickly. Still, there was just one thing on her side: horses weren't renowned for their acceleration, whereas a person... or Servant, could cross a straight gap relatively easily. Being unceremoniously tackled out of the way and onto the floor... well, somehow, the cigarette had stayed in her mouth, which was a miracle unto itself. She didn't need more burns. Yet being on the ground had its own advantages, hand pressed against rock, the burning feeling of magecraft already in her veins... "Fangen Sie." A quick spell, too quick for a common magus to copy in the same time--and an immediate response, mana flowing through the ground to Estelle. No unsuspecting girl caught up in anger would really be expecting what followed, nor one unprepared for any sort of physical altercation. One leg caught above a gap, falling, then the gap sealing just as fast. Not dangerous at this stage... not so long as she kept the spell up, didn't let the world's corrective impulses do the rest of it and set up a race against time. Barriers and magecraft could only hold out so long if one didn't have a specific way out of it. If she was concerned about that, it was easier to just suffocate or crush them herself. "You'll see I was telling the truth, Varianbec. Promise to leave, take Rider and go. This is more than enough in one night for a child," the enforcer said, looking up from her hunched position, towards the girl--though a clear view was necessarily blocked by Servants.