[@ChaoticFox] That sounds awesome!! I hope you are having a hella lot fun! [@Dr Catfish] I definitely agree with you. But I was just saying that it [i]was[/i] the intention of human kind that the robots and AIs would serve in their interest, with no inconvenience. So maybe Rolands still has that in mind, that they serve the humans in the humans interest? So maybe that's why he thinks Nexus' reaction was a result of poor programming? Because he thinks the robots should all do as he pleases and do not talk back but still think creatively and get hints? Maybe he doesn't see Nexus as a 'personality' and therefore doesn't take his actions as one of personality, but one of 'programming' and therefore instead of calling it a 'lack of good personality' he calls it 'bad programming'? I am totally just rambling here. I am probably 100% wrong with everything I say xD I kind of am a lot these days.