[@Themerlinhawk] Thanks. I did not get much sleep last night, it felt like someone took a hot iron to my throat and I'm trying to get a follow-up with my doctor because I'm slowly starting to go insane to be honest. I'm not sure if this is just a horrid bout of asthma or if there's more to it but whenever I exhale or even inhale, my throat gets pretty unhappy and I start hacking up crud. After some reading, it seems a good portion of the US feels this way and I find that pretty hard to fathom. The paranoid part of me thinks I may have some parasite or fungus but you'd thunk the blood tests would have shown that...I will try to get something up though! This is my first item on my ever growing to-do list. I hope you're doing well, I know it's tough to balance an online life with the offline side of things. :/ I'd say like most things, some days will go better than others but the best thing is to keep trying!