Revenmar snapped to attention at the sound. It startled him, he was in deep thought, contemplating his existence and where his creator had run off too. It was a dull thing, guarding a door but it was a crucial task, he could not allow the beings in the guildhall to befall harm. Now looking around the room, he noticed the beholder in all of its infamy. He had never fought one of them before, but he would gladly try, and throw down his life to protect his new Lords and Ladies. Such was his overwhelming desire to protect and be a shield for the innocent but he would do anything for these Gods of flesh and bone. With a clanking grind of metal on metal, Revenmar began to run at the thing, taking out his shield in the process. He barreled straight towards the Ladies who were at the bar, right toward the Beholder. He didn't have time to think, so he jumped, flinging himself at the creature shield first as it began to turn towards him. He collided with the Beholder's right side in the air with a sickening crunch, as three of the creatures eye stalks broke. He fell besides the creature, bruising his knees as he landed hard on them. He got up nonetheless and got into a fighting stance, his long sword glistening in the lit hall. He looked at the creature, whose anger was now unrivaled in the room and spoke aloud for all to hear. His voice was deep and husky. [color=darkgray]"You shall not harm my Lords and Ladies, creature! Your filth, ends here."[/color] And with that said he charged the beholder. He looked back at the beholder