[quote=@Oni_] [@Neo Is Delight][@AngelofOctober] Alright, thanks for clearing that up for me. I completely get where you guys are coming from now, I think my comprehension issue was sprouting from the fact that, like I mentioned, I haven't read Fairy Tail in ages so most of the canon and power levels is a vague memory to me, I just like the setting and premise. Also to a lesser extent, it may just have been because I mostly write for TTRPG's so that idea of a power creep is something I'm used to being just completely normal, which obviously in an RP like this it's something you need to avoid. The end game here isn't becoming literal Gods and/or god-slayers - after all, we've already established dragon-slayers is a more reasonable target amiright? I'll write up a second character, no sweat. If you're planning teams that make my troubles melt away - limited interaction is fine. I just hate the idea of suddenly having two people weigh in on conversations when I control both of them, posts become too long and nothing moves forward during it. Hope you don't mind me rehashing an old character? Give it a bit of a rub and buff? [/quote] Awesome. Thank you Oni. Can't wait to see what you come up with! And yes we plan for teams because what's more fun than teams.