I know this will come off as negative, but criticism is the fuel for change. And I am not saying to change this fight, but to keep in mind for future encounters: This fight is really poorly designed. Our team does not have the tools to handle large, flying creatures. This could be a good thing. If the rocs were to show a weakness in the team, except the rocs pose very little threat. And not in the sense that they are the main characters and this is a minor encounter, but in universe, rocs aren't that scary. Sure, for a regular villager, a giant eagle is pretty scary, but for military-trained students, who can easily duck and dodge their attacks, there isn't much that they can really do. Honestly, Regina plan probably would be better. Why do we have to kill them? They attacked us, but as far as I am concerned, they are just territorial beasts and that their presence and their attacking are particularly normal and natural.