[@AngelofOctober][@Neo Is Delight] ... Ok, that's it for me. I already felt a little compelled to leave after all the discussions started to appear and how similar to some unpleasant peeps I've RPed with before you (Specifically Angel) acted - after all they were what made me avoid FT RPs for quite a while - and now I made my mind: I'll take the opportunity and drop the RP while I'm still not attached to it. I already have many characters and little time anyway so I'd rather not get into a RP that'll end up making me mad instead of offering somewhere to play a little and distract me from all the stressful situations I face in my daily life. P.s. Please don't take any offense from this, even comparing you to this certain person in my past is hardly something I did with the objective of being offensive (specially since I was friendly to the person in question for quite a while before starting to avoid them) and I'm merely mentioning it to give some light about my reasons to leave. In the end, it all resumes to how I ain't prepared to get into random discussions - that'll undoubtedly happen by what I could see until now - and how this OOC away too heated for me in despite of the RP being in its initial stage. Anyway, I still bid you good luck in your RP and hope that it'll be sucessful. Sorry for the bother.