[center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/l3UcqFRkhzEu7V960/giphy.gif[/img] [i]A lot of requests, this thread is getting quite popular. Sorry I took so long to reply. Been busy. Witch business and all that, now...[/i] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/tKs74rGBZOIzS/giphy.gif[/img] [i]Let's see what the future holds for you.[/i][/center] [quote=@Garattee] [@Witch Cat]What will my next girlfriend be like? [/quote] [hider=With all these love questions, I should rebrand myself as the Love Witch] [img]http://i.imgur.com/VMTyyzW.png[/img] X of Cups! Intense happiness awaits you. Very high chances you've met that special someone right for you. But be on your toes, maintaining that happiness may not be worth the payoff. [/hider] [quote=@Scarescrow] Never tried this before. So I'll give a shot. Deep inside, who am I? And don't tell me am a sociopath. That is what I already now. Tell me something that don't appear on my avatar. [/quote] [hider=Well alright then Mr. Crazy, let's see what the cards say] [img]http://i.imgur.com/MlH6L2B.png[/img] Page of Pentacles! While you can be a little material focused, you have a knack for seeing all that is practical. You're a realist with a wealth of opportunities waiting for you. [/hider] [quote=@Gin] How fares the future for my daughter? Will I be able to get a new job beford this year ends? Can I expect to study something I want to study, if so, when? [/quote] [hider=Ooo multiple questions, how exciting. ] (These are answered in the order they were asked) [img]http://i.imgur.com/pqlHQEs.png[/img] The Sun! A lot of positive reads lately. The future is very bright, your daughter has some really great luck coming her way. But don't let her get cocky or lazy, like the setting sun, this period of extreme glee will eventually end. Now this doesn't mean that after this period of joy only sadness awaits, but just that you can't rely on luck or talent alone forever. [img]http://i.imgur.com/YusryFn.png[/img] And here ends the happy streak. (Reverse) Justice! Unfairness is in your future. You might or might not get a new job, but you won't be happy with either outcome. You might have to cheat or suffer being cheated. Mentally prepare yourself for the future to deal with this. o [img]http://i.imgur.com/gjBDczQ.png[/img] The High Priestess! There are higher powers at work, ones beyond your control. A deep veil of mystery shrouds your future and you might just have to take a leap of faith. Learn to trust your gut in the coming days [/hider] [quote=@Sanctus Spooki] So is this limited to single card readings, or can someone request a more complicated pattern/field to be drawn for them? [/quote] Funny you should ask that because I was just about to bring this up! I only do single card or past/present/future reads as those are the only ones I'm confident enough in doing. Buuuuut I'm trying to experiment with bibliomancy and reading tea leaves. So feel free to ask for those! If you don't specify a type of read, I'll default to single card. [center][i]Until next time friends[/i] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/fbfd030c9dc6522a7c6f0203a85541b8/tumblr_n6phm8kgbT1tde9tgo1_500.gif[/img][/center]