[center][color=59955C][b][u]The Capital, Elementia Arno Volke[/u][/b][/color][/center] The way the Knight of Wind, Alya, laughed at the ambush didn't sit well with Arno. He enjoyed the fight, it was exciting, a true contest of skill in martial prowess and strategy, but he didn't trust anyone who relished the fight. Those who seek the battle are often those who broke ranks to chase down the routing enemy, right into a potential ambush. Arno specifically passed on those soldiers when selecting his men for his troop, even when the battle loving warriors were often more skilled. He needed men to hold a formation, not to break it and turn a battle into something like a common street brawl. He glanced back at her and saw her hop off the wagon, catching an arrow midflight before saying her weapons were out of range. Before Arno could say anything, she disappeared into the fleeing crowd, presumably to hunt down their ambushers. Darkness Knight had hopped off long ago. Arno huffed in displeasure as he felt another handful of arrows smack against his shield, though he would be lying if that catch didn't impress him. Mira poked out of cover to fire an arrow in the direction of the incoming fire, what she hoped to accomplish Arno didn't know. Suppression fire with arrows was an advanced tactic requiring at least a hundred well trained archers firing in rank, ripple or platoon fire. She quickly caught an arrow in the shoulder, and if these attackers were skilled, they would be using broadhead arrows. A very deadly arrowhead against unarmored targets. He looked back once again after a slightly lighter than usual volley against his shield, seeing that Sidero was offering to be bait for their attackers. Lady Oriel disagreed, offering her armor. Both plans weren't ideal, Sidero could be killed in his heroic distraction, and Arno preferred that nobody else get hit in case their attackers move to engage in close quarters combat. Putting on Lady Oriel's armor would take too long, the longer they stayed, the higher the chance that someone would get hit by a lucky arrow. Arno glanced around, seeing the thick wooden walls of the wagon. He stomped his foot on the wagon floor a few times, then kicked the wall to his right a few times, feeling that the wagon side was thicker than the floor. He rose his foot and kicked the side with a good deal of strength, snapping the supports at the base. He then grabbed his warhammer, using the spiked end, slammed it into the top of the now loosened side. He moved it back and forth, wrenching it free. He dropped the large board, formerly the side of the wagon, behind him. He looked behind him, seeing that Oriel had her gauntlets on. [color=59955C][b]"Lady Oriel! I need you to carry this board as a shield! Telius! Grab Arcane's bow and help her move! Do not take that arrow out of her!"[/b][/color] Arno commanded, in that voice he used to lead fifty warriors in the midst of a battle, [color=59955C][b]"Metal! Drop those bodies and carry Lady Oriel's armor case! We [i]will[/i] be moving left into the..."[/b][/color] he looked to his left, [color=59955C][b]"herbs shop, under protection of the wagons side and the armor case! The wagon side first, then the case! On Lady Oriel's mark! Get ready!"[/b][/color]