[@Zero Hex] I sense sarcasm. I believe you did not understand my post and misread its meaning. Or you're just giving me a hard time. [quote=@Zero Hex] Oh but it was as far as my post and the one post adressed to me was. The person responding to me didn't address the examples of other strange sentient animals, just went with calling the character "your ugly creature" after I said I considered it unique and different then made a roundabout insulting statement comparing it to a character known for being both dumb and extremely disliked. You'll notice I haven't touched upon the player himself in my lone short post, that you can go read, because that really isn't my problem. But nice try. [/quote] Yeah, my post went over your head. Let me clarify what I meant. 1. The creature is ugly. That doesn't it make it not unique or different. I would run away from it. It's not a pretty animal. 2. I'm not sure how my post demonstrated that I was comparing the sea horse to Jar Jar Binks. The scene from Star Wars clearly stated the argument on the topic. 3. I feel like you were greatly offended for a misunderstanding. That was not my intention. As Yosh stated, the point was missed.