[i]- Sinuiju Station, 5.17.2410[/i] For all the beating of the drums of war across the Confederacy, rare was it to see a military station so passive. Despite the increased presence of UNISEC personnel and their warships at anchor, Sinuiju refused to be swayed. Such was the steadfast neutrality of Liaoning and her people. Among the varied ships one in particular stood out. Nearly two-thousand meters of warship sharpened to a point and bristling with enough weaponry to take down a ship three times its size, the Yoshino nuzzled close against the station's dock as it took on both supplies and soldiers for her upcoming campaign. At least, that was how the captain saw her latest orders as they appeared on her desk within. Veteran of a dozen conflicts across three centuries, she had an in-depth understanding on the mystical ability of command in regards to understatement, and this one was hardly out of the ordinary. "Record." Though she was rather soft-spoken, a light blinked on the desk to indicate her auto-journal's response. "Vice Admiral Genevieve Alleron, captain of the Yoshino. Mark entry as the Seventeenth of May, the year 2410 of the Corporate Era." A soft hum gave away the computer's drives working as she spoke, only recording her words and not the light pace of her footsteps across the wooden floor. "Orders have been received from command to investigate possible alien threat within one of Liaoning's border worlds. I have taken on supplies and additional personnel in preparation of hostilities, namely in the form of additional nuclear warheads and a dozen suits of Type-85 powered armor. Aris has given assurances of the ship's anti-capital capabilities, and I have also personally overseen the adjustments to the stealth-field. Current estimate for sortie is total of six days, with travel time of 110 hours total between Sinuiju and LAT-4/877/43 already factored in." For a moment, she debated upon concluding her initial entry there, the pause enough to register a query on the desk to that end. The barely audible ticking of the grandfather clock against the wall seemed to increase in volume in that space of time, gently reminding her that there were still things to do before underway. "Final notation: It has been discussed between myself and the ship's Engram, that executing a stealth-torpedo strike against the alien vessel would be the swiftest conclusion to the sortie, and we have both agreed that it is the preferred method." Genevieve waited for the click of the recording ending before letting out a sigh, staring at the painting of her homeworld's capital and wondering how her family was faring through the ongoing war. All of the latest news from the station had pointed towards Pomerania being the next target of the Lexikon, and that meant their participation in the war was swiftly coming to an end. Those thoughts were a distraction however, and with a shake of her head that very nearly dislodged her pinkish hair from the tight bun, she dismissed them and focused on the mission at hand. She had new crew-members on board, people that needed to be briefed on how she ran her ship, and it would be best to go forward without thoughts of home. Already some of them were likely on their way to the briefing room after their tour of the ship and their assigned bunks. Without delay, she fastened her officer's jacket and ensured her rank pins were in place just as surely as the rest of her appearance, and made way down to ensure that her choices of personnel would not disappoint her at least until they were underway.