[hr][hr][center] [h2]Valentina Roscoe[/h2] Location: Madam Malkin's Robes For All Occasions[/center] [hr][hr] A breeze of air danced over Valentina's face and through her long brown hair. On her hips sat a one-year-old tiny baby boy with messy brown hair, longer at the top than at the sides. He sucked on his hand. The mother of both the children was digging around in her purse, two bags hanging off her arm. "Moooom", Valentina whined. "Oh Merlin's beard, Val, shush for a second, would ya?", the black haired woman scolded her eleven-year-old. Valentina had been a pain in her ass for three days, today by far being the worst. "Luciana! Where is she again?" The woman moved her head around, searching for the face of her fifteen year old daughter. "So help me Merlin, Romeo do not turn out like them!" She shot the little one-year-old on Valentina's hip a look and then pulled some money out of her purse. "Here. Go over with your sister and get new robes for the both of you!" She shoved the coins into Luciana's hand, who had appeared behind the woman. Luciana took the money and Valentina watched her mother close her purse again. "Where will you g- AAAAH!!" - "ROMEO!", the mother scolded and unwrapped the hand of the mischievous boy from around Valentina's hair. The girl rubbed her head where she felt the pain. "I am going to get a few things for the household we need. Floo powder for example. Since this one has knocked the pot all over the place and played with it!" Helenora, the mother, shook her head at her rascal son and smiled at her two daughters now. "How big you are getting!" "Moooom!", Valentina shook her head. "Not here. Come on, Lucia. Let's find Ramona." Valentina shoved the boy back into her mother's arms and went to walk off, Luciana right behind her. "Watch out for her!", the mother yelled after her older daughter. "And tell Ramona I will be right there!" The girls didn't stop to answer their mother. Valentina walked through the masses of people. Today was a busy day in the Diagon Alley. The girl knew her ways through the streets with closed eyes, she had grown up visiting the Diagon Alley almost weekly. Her father owned a little shop here and the kids had begged their mother to take them for visits on a weekly basis. A little bell rang as Valentina pushed the door to [i]Madam Malkin's Robes For All Occasions[/i] open and stepped inside. Luciana was still behind her. Contrary to Valentina, Luciana had blonde hair, almost golden hair and bright blue eyes. Ramona had teased her that she didn't look like their real sister and was adopted many times when they were little. Ramona was Valentina's other sister, the eldest with her nineteen years. She had dark hair like their mother and green eyes like Valentina. The eleven-year-old looked around the room. There was another young student, maybe even a first year?, being served by Madam Malkin's right now. Madam Malkin flashed the two girls a bright smile as she saw them enter. "My dears! First year, isn't it time now?" Valentina nodded at her. "Oh my, and the beautiful Luciana, you grow so fast. A young woman already!" But they didn't have much more time to discuss their growing with the woman as a sharp voice cut through the room. "Luci, Vali!", Ramona had entered through a door that clearly led to a storage room or the like. There were pins in her apron that set above her clothes and a tape measure around her neck. Her black hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She hugged her two sisters both at once and a pin poked Valentina into the arm. "Where'd you leave mom? Or does she not wanna see me?" The mood of the woman clearly dropped a little. "Why wouldn't she wanna see you?", Vali asked her older sister. "She will be right over. Romeo knocked over the floo powder yesterday, remember? She is getting new stuff." "And I think she wanted to get away from this one", added the blonde witch with a nod towards Valentina. "I can imagine!" A laugh escaped Ramona's lips and she shoved Valentina next to the other girl, that Madam Malkin was busy with. She pulled the tape measure from her neck and started to measure her. "You better happen to be put into Hufflepuff, love. I couldn't bare another Gryffindor!" Luciana, the mentioned Gryffindor, didn't even bother to give her sister a single look. She had heard the teases many times and has teased the sister for several things herself. It was sisterhood, Valentina guessed. While Ramona was busy measuring Valentina - or rather watching as the tape measure did it alone! - Luciana roamed through the shop and looked at several gowns and hats with slight interest. To Valentina's shock Ramona then nudged her and pointed to the girl a few feet beside her. "She is a first year too! Maybe you will be in the same house." Valentina shot the girl a shy smile. She wasn't usually that shy, it was just... Ramona... She was so enthusiastic and cheerful, it was kind of embarrassing to get dressed by your big sister. "Hi", she said silently. "Sorry for her", she nodded towards Ramona like the one wasn't even there. The older girl just smiled and continued her work. Sisterhood.