[h2]Johanna Faust[/h2] The mage climbed to her feet again, watching Rider dig out his Master. Something about the Servant's expression and shift in attitude were concerning... it wouldn't be past many heroes to only respect strength and nothing else. Of course, if Rider was somebody like that and split with his Master, from the Servant's observed combat ability it could only be to the benefit of the rest of them. The wise thing to do would be to encourage division and marginalise the vessel so that she could be eliminated from the war without putting the ability to complete the ritual at risk. As a magus, as an Enforcer, she was supposed to put practicality and results before moral considerations. That was quite easy most of the time, simply keeping to the teaching and attitude her family had carried throughout the years. Even the threat that the Grail posed could be accepted simply by trying to ascertain its state before activating it. It seemed like the true cost of her training surfaced in situations like this, though--even after an attempt to kill her, she couldn't bring herself to just treat a child as a casualty so easily. Nor one to be left to suffer through the consequences of her birth without support. "Rider," she said, standing firm at her full height. There could be no room for doubt, no wavering in her confidence. Not in front of a hero, not if she was to be listened to, "Your Master is just a child, a child burdened with a terrible fate. If you abandon her for any reason..." "I [i]will[/i] kill you." She meant it. It was on the edge of impossibility, but wasn't that all that they did? There were other sources of power, other ways of equalising the balance if it came down to it... such a thing was doable. Backing down would not be an option. Yet it would be better to never have to make the attempt.