Spectrum exhaled, running out and plummeting to the ground, slowing and stopping just above the ground. The cheering started a moment later, bystanders running up and hugging her. A few even tried to attract the giant's attention, waving and shouting thanks to him. Alex moved through the crowd, a strained smile on her face and noticeably on edge to anyone who actually knew her. "Good job, Spec," she said over the crowd as she drew close, giving the woman a hug of her own. She returned the hug gladly, but tilted her head and put her hands on Alex' shoulders. "Ok?" She signed. It was about the only actual sign language she knew. Alex shook her head. "Later. Now get going. You've got to clean up for tonight. I think you've got like an hour or two." "Oh!" Spectrum raised her hands to her mouth. She'd completely forgotten. Waving her arm to make a rough circle, she asked if Alex could make a portal. Before Spectrum left, she shouted, "Well done, Way Big!" Alex laughed lightly, dropping Spectrum through the ground and into her living room area. Looking up at the giant, she called out. "Throw it into the ocean or something, will you? No need for the carcass to rot in the City." And then she, too, left. Had she a little more notice, Spectrum would have avoided landing heavily on her rear by using Mobile Blue and hovering. Unfortunately, she hadn't, so she got up off the floor rubbing her coccyx as the armour dissipated off her. "Alex..." she grumbled, the portal already closed. But it was time to look forward. She only had a few hours to get ready! [hr] Dragon washed his hands off just as the doorbell rang. "Coming!" He shouted, and was there almost before his voice was. He opened it, and Spectrum stood on the other side. "Hi, beautiful." Roxana immediately went an adorably bright pink. She mumbled a greeting, walking in and turning around. "The dining table's over there," Dragon pointed. "And I'll bring dinner out right now." "Smells nice." Roxana said, gasping at the white tablecloth, candles, and most especially at the white flower sitting across her plate. It wasn't a rose, but it was pretty, so she picked it up and started playing with it. "What are we having?" she asked, wandering over to the counter that separated the tiled kitchen from the dining room. She liked how open the space was, or maybe it was because the entire space revolved around Dragon, now serving up the meal. He set out two plates on the counter, and her nose wrinkled as the spice hit her. "Chicken masala," he told her, a little concern in his voice. "I hope that's alright. You don't mind spicy food?" "It's fine," she said, smiling at him. "It was just a surprise." The flower found its way into her hair, where it almost glowed in comparison. She picked up her plate and walked with him to the table. "I hope there's more surprises like that." Dragon smiled, and tucked her hair behind her ear, settling the flower and kissing her.