"Well if I`m going to be here as long as I expect us today it shouldn`t be that bad." Sky said as she walked back over to him. "I appreciate that. It shouldn`t be too much stuff honestly. This place is bigger than my current one. Not sure how I actually feel about that honestly." It was a lot of change in an instant. The mental part of this was already setting in. The physical, well she still had a second before she was living here for who knows how long. "Do you think it will hurt? The animus I mean." Thought whirled in her mind like a tornado on the subject. They were going to be put into a machine and have their thoughts and genetic code read, it didn`t sound painless. "It is rather intimidating. We`ll be reliving a different age. A time we can only imagine will be at our finger tips, it`s such a strange concept." The silver haired woman walked up to the windows. "I can`t help but wonder if it`s going to hurt. They don`t seem completely confident it`s safe, yet here we are." She`s never even been to Italy and now she`ll relive a life so long ago right in the middle of Sicily. It was strange to think about. How long would they be in these machines? Would a few days in there be minutes in their present world? What of Sol? What kind of person was her ancestor? Was she like her in any way? So many questions, so many answers to find. The pain was certainly a factor in what it might be, but it was exciting. The life of Sol had an importance just as Luca`s ancestor did as well. They probably wouldn`t be able to talk about their ancestors. Everything was to be kept a secret. "It`s the excitement that outweighs the negative I think." In all honesty she almost couldn`t wait to find all of it out.