[u][b]Steve Miller - Gun Shop[/b][/u] “Somewhat....", the merc said, "I won’t lie and say we didn’t kill most if not of the people we came across but when we killed you it was quick and painless; Brotherhood taking away people’s weapons “because you can’t be trusted” left you weak and vulnerable for whoever showed up..” "So your Death Squads were doing us a favor, is [i]that[/i] your excuse?", Steve sneered, "Well, forgive me if I'm not feeling very grateful. I'm not a fan of the Brotherhood by any means, but I can't deny they did us a solid by dealing with you people. I always thought the Brotherhood claims that you people tried to spike the Purifier with poison were bullshit...listening to you, I see now that it probably wasn't." About that time a third man appeared behind the merc...he had a soldier-like air about him too, in spite of the clothes. He stood there, quietly listening, as Corrine and the merc....who she clearly disliked...began to bicker again about who ran the gun shop now. “I have my own plan to help out", the man said. "I was in a Brotherhood of Steel vertibird on the way over here when it crashed somewhere on the island. It’s got good gear on it: power armor, heavy weapons, ammunition, and the armor plating could be salvaged from it” "All of which we desperately need right about now", Steve replied, perking up a bit as the idea gave him that hope that between Corrine and their stranger, his luck might be finally turning for the better. "The idea I had will be a lot more doable if the operator is in the iron. If the hose bursts, it would kill or maim an unprotected operator. How far away is the wreck?" “I have a device that can locate the downed vertibird, but it broke when I… fell out of the bird mid air.”, he held out a device, which Steve took. “Think you can fix it?" Steve gave it a cursory glance, feeling the warmth as Corrine pressed up against him from behind and looked over his shoulder at the device. "[i]Damn it[/i]", Steve thought with slight irritation, "[i]We were having a moment here...couldn't they have waited a bit?[/i]" It was rectangular, with a couple buttons and dials, and a analog gauge. The cover was cracked in a couple places, but at least wasn't crushed. When he operated the power switch, nothing happened. "Maybe", Steve said, "If you don't mind I'll need to get it apart to know for sure." He then glanced over at Corrine, her chin perched on his shoulder....noticing her face was close enough to his to kiss... "Corrine", Steve asked, inwardly cursing the two newcomers as he restrained the urge to kiss her, "Could you open up your tool box for me, please?" "Also, what are your names?", the Man asked, "I’m James Gregor Castner, former Paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel”. "I'm Steve Miller", Steve said, "Chief Engineer, and sole survivor of the SS Regina...she was a tramp steamer out of Halifax. Went down in a storm about three weeks ago. Folks that picked me up dropped me off here." “Since you’re the better Handyman, it seems, I’ll leave you to fix that and find out who owns this store", the merc said as he turned to leave. "Even with the tracker fixed we may not be able to recover the equipment in time for the atom fruitcakes attack and should have access to the store’s stock without risk of being shot for being a thief.” "You do that", Steve said, glad to have the man out of his hair for a bit. Given the situation, he needed the Enclaver, but that didn't mean he had to like it. "I could use a rifle as well, and Corrine needs 10mm ammo and N99 magazines."