Ok, time to start analyzing the currently available CSes. Leaves PM'd his to me, but for ease of comparison I'm copying it to this post. My determination might still take me a while, since the wife and I are running around doing errands. [hider=Feya Nelson] [center][h2][color=deepskyblue]Feya Nelson[/color][/h2][/center] [hider=Looks Can Kill][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/AATkJh7.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [center][h3][b][color=deepskyblue]Basics[/color][/b][/h3][/center] [b][color=cyan]Name:[/color][/b] Feya Nelson [b][color=cyan]Epithet:[/color][/b] “Fitness Feya” [b][color=cyan]Race:[/color][/b] Human [b][color=cyan]Age:[/color][/b] 24 [b][color=cyan]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=cyan]Appearance:[/color][/b] Feya has a rather pale complexion. Her skin has no color and might resemble that of a corpse. Not only has she lost color in her skin, but also in her eyes and hair. Her entire appearance looks lifeless. Despite the pigmentation, Feya does proud herself on one aspect: her body. From excessive grooming and cardiovascular exercise, she keeps her body fit as an Egyptian temple. Her abs demonstrate the resolve and determination she places into her work outs. Even her dental work is impressive; as they say, when she smiles the whole world stops for a while. All in all, the bitch is well-toned. Her attire is limited to loosely fitted clothing. She prefers to wear clothes that are ideal for a workout. It helps with her flexibility immensely. Sometimes she will break into a sports bra followed by shorts. Other times she will sport a tank top with sweatpants. There are a few interesting characteristics about Feya. She does have thick eyebrows. When exercising, she does release a lot of sweat from her wrists. She tries to prevent this by wearing two black wrist bands. Finally, she does refuse to wear anything white so most of her clothes are in color. [b][color=cyan]Position:[/color][/b]Doctor [b][color=cyan]Bounty:[/color][/b] 0 [b][color=cyan]Jolly Roger:[/color][/b] [hider=We Work Out][img]http://i.imgur.com/ahAyLVO.jpg[/img] [/hider] [center][h3][b][color=deepskyblue]Background[/color][/b][/h3][/center] [b][color=cyan]Ambition:[/color][/b] Whenever Feya sees her reflection, she recognizes a confident and established woman. Her physique gives her the motivation to continue the day. She puts a lot of sweat and pain her work out sessions. As one of her mantras goes, “No pain, no gain.” Ultimately, she admires her strength. However, she acknowledges there is room for improvement. The woman knows there is more power to the human body that many people are not aware of. Feya wishes to push her body through unbreakable limits. She wants to build herself against dangerous trials and overcome any obstacle. She does this to fill two objectives. One of her ambitions is to enable herself to control every single muscle in her body. The body only uses 10% percent muscle. By applying and using all of her muscles, she would have admirable strength. Her second objective is to travel the world and find the best workout routine. Feya is not a selfish person and does want to motivate people to be in tip top shape. A sedentary lifestyle increases the risk for a lot of fatal conditions. She has sworn that she will write a self-help book. Her novel will have the most effective workout drills and routines that will inspire millions of inactivity. [b][color=cyan]Likes:[/color][/b][list][*]Protein Shake [*]Working Out [*]Mornings[/list] [b][color=cyan]Dislikes:[/color][/b][list][*]Laziness [*]Greasy Food [*]Mentions of her Complexion [/list] [b][color=cyan]Quirks:[/color][/b] Feya is confident about her appearance, but is self-conscious about her complexion. Any comment regarding her being white as snow makes her go into a psychotic rage. She is fixated on being the best; most likely, this does diagnose her as a perfectionist. Feya can be unbelievably competitive. She might turn something serious into a competition regardless of the situation. She does not like losing. If she does lose, she takes it out on herself by completing more work out sessions. Another strange quirk of hers is that she does do several exercises in her free time. She could be caged up in someone’s basement and start doing sit-ups just because. The last abnormal habit of hers is that she loves raw eggs. [b][color=cyan]Personality:[/color][/b] Feya can be a bit cruel at times. She doesn’t know the word subtlety. Nor can she easily inform someone the truth in a careful manner. “You’re going to die a painful death,” would be something she would say outright to a patient. Feya is also determined to take on any challenges. She does not partake in trials to prove anything to anyone; Feya is focused on impressing herself only. The physical woman stands to be conceited and athletic. A combination that does give her a big head. She does have another personality. As a doctor, she does try to keep everything in a professional manner despite her honest outbursts. Her will to help others overcome disease, sickness and injury is something she is passionate about. [b][color=cyan]History:[/color][/b] Feya did not always use to be physically fit. She had horrible habits of inactivity and not living up to her full potential. The woman could have had a normal life like anyone else. Feya might have been stuck with the loss of breath, osteoporosis, and other unwanted conditions. But she didn’t. Feya was different from people she lived by. People showed their opinions of her by name-calling and spreading rumors about her. One aspect about Feya is that she is a rarity; she has albinism. The condition forced her appearance to have pigmentation on her hair and skin. A lot of people were afraid by her abnormal appearance. Feya did have difficulty finding friends save for a few who did show courage in befriending her. Others were not appreciative of the newly bound friendship. Events led to another, and her friends were in critical condition. The one thing that haunts Feya today is that she knew it was going to happen. She a chance to stop her friends from getting hurt, but she did not make it in time. Feya had to frequently stop since her body was not used to the cardio activity. If she was more athletically fit, she might have saved her friends. This is what directed her into studying the physical body. She wished to learn about the body immune system and how to keep it regularly fitted. Through all of the harassment and assaults she had experienced, she chose it would be best if she trained herself to fend off any attackers. [center][h3][b][color=deepskyblue]Combat Specialties[/color][/b][/h3][/center] [b][color=cyan]Skills and Abilities:[/color][/b] Given Feya's impressive physique and her excessive exercises, she has been gifted with superhuman characteristics. Her strength is no laughing matter; a simple punch can send a 300lbs man through a brick wall. She does specialize in building muscle which explains her monstrous strength. Her muscular physique does give her durability; Feya is able to sustain a lot of damage before losing numbness in her body. Feya is a woman and does not have much weight on her. She never skips leg day which does benefit in her speed capability. Without her leg muscles, she probably wouldn't be much of a threat nor would she be able to land a strike on an opponent. [b][color=cyan]Devil Fruit:[/color][/b] N/A [b][color=cyan]Haki:[/color][/b] N/A [b][color=cyan]Gear:[/color][/b] Feya keeps a bottle of vitamin supplements to ensure her body is kept up to standards. She does have a water bottle that she mixes with a few servings of protein powder. The powder is her concoction and gives her results lightning fast. Feya receives a slight boost in attributes. [b][color=cyan]Fighting Style:[/color][/b] Feya learned how to fend for self. She is still hoping to learn more fighting styles, but she only has one on her belt. Maybe traveling the seas and new trials will open new techniques for her. So far, Feya is specialized in kickboxing. [b][color=cyan]Techniques:[/color][/b] N/A [center][h3][b][color=deepskyblue]Nakama[/color][/b][/h3][/center] [b][color=cyan]Crewmate Name:[/color][/b] A description of how you get along with and what you think of your fellow crewmates. Copy and paste once for each member apart from yourself. Remember to work these out together collaboratively. Leave this section out altogether until all the crew have been approved and the captain/first mate have been voted on. [/hider]