[@Button] This is an interesting one! -I like her record and recall gimmick, however I feel as though the recall ability should have a long cast time (ideally, by recalling a memory I imagine she'll have a few seconds where she'll be still and vulnerable; trying to think of that spell.) to compensate for its versatility. Aside from that I don't have any other balance issues. For her job, she will be a part of the task force. Unlike the rest of the Knights of Evil, the task force is expected to work as a team. Her specific role will be the librarian. Namely, she is to consistently keep tabs on her collection of tomes to make sure none are stolen or missing. Knights of Evil have permission to read these books, but are not allowed to leave the library with them. As an additional role, her artifact that gives her the knowledge of all languages will make her a translator for the task force.