[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/saGm5xq.png[/img] [color=pink][h3]Mamoru Aksha[/h3][/color][/center] And just as quick as it started, it seemed like everyone who was better needed to return to class. [color=pink]”Bye Sen! Catch ya later!”[/color] They didn't have much of a conversation but Mamoru was glad to at least be able to see him before she left. Heading back to their lockers Mamoru changed from her frazzled gym clothes to her school uniform, changing out from her sweaty clothes as well. Last thing she did was clean up her glasses as they were covered in dust. Fortunately, despite her violent tumble, she didn't damage them. Mamoru walked back towards class looking like a total doofus. She rather enjoyed their first lesson, very exciting and action packed. Perhaps she ought to consider her actions more closely before she implemented them, but hesitation was a quick killer. All it takes is a moment’s pause for hundreds of lives to be lost. [color=pink]”Let not the perfect plan be the enemy of a good plan.”[/color] Mamoru said in a false posh accent. All in all she felt pretty good at the turn of events. Soon Mamoru arrived to class and she made her presence known. [color=pink]”Hi hi! MVP of Delta Team is here!”[/color] Mamoru said with smiles. Now she kinda wished she had some bandages to show off her battle scars, but unfortunately Nurse Kiwi was an effective healer: Mamoru didn't have a scar on her body. Returning to her seat Mamoru allowed herself to sink in and relax. She noted that of the students who were here, only Kenichi was from Delta. Last Mamoru heard he was suppose to run off to fight for Point A, so Mamoru was curious. [color=pink]”Hey Kenichi! How'd it go at Point A? Win one for the team?”[/color] [@Zeroth][@Feyblue][@PsychoPanda28] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/X6y1z1z.png[/img] [color=firebrick][h3]Donny Yang[/h3][/color][/center] Before anyone from Team Delta could begin to mount an assault on Point A, the battle was over. Mr. Yoshida announced that the battle was done and everyone was to be picked up and head to either class or the infirmary. Not long after the announcement Mr. Yoshida arrived and made Donny try to cover up. The first place Donny went to was back to his lockers and put his regular school uniform back on. It felt nice putting on his clothes over his disguise, like multiple protective layers to hide who he is inside. [color=firebrick]”Wow that sounds incredibly emo. Crisp crisp crisp.”[/color] Digging through his bag Donny got that spicy nacho chips out and started eating them on his way back to class. He still had a few snacks including his Twinkie and he could grab some more chips. Donny would've brought chocolate but they tend to melt. Perhaps some lollipops instead? Either way he stopped by the water fountains to get some water. [color=firebrick]”I should get a water bottle too. Or maybe a mug. A flagon? A wooden flagon sounds cool.”[/color] Donny pondered these thoughts as he headed to class. Along the way he thought he heard someone play some music but didn't investigate it. By the time Fonny arrived back to Class A-1 a couple of people were already here. Fumika, Kenichi, Mamoru, Jett, and lastly Mina. Donny looked at her for only a moment before turning away. [i][color=firebrick]”Right, don't be creepy Donny Boy. She doesn't know who you are.”[/color][/i] Donny just shuffled to his seat and sat down, finishing his chips and munching on the bag. Unlike before he didn't really waste one chewing it and finished it as easily as taking a bite out of a chip. Then he took out some cinnamon gum and chewed on it. [color=firebrick]”I wonder what's for lunch. I hope it's hamburgers. Or maybe Ramen.”[/color] Donny pondered as he reached for his Twinkie.