[quote=@Crimmy] [@Stern Algorithm] Why is he in a helicopter component if he's mediocre at piloting a helicopter? If a situation turned up where everybody isn't combined, wouldn't he be in a real jam? And on the psychic thing note, so thanks to jabbing Etherion into his veins, he's now a telekinetic? Or by telepathic, his brain's connected to the "Disconnected Rapid Armament Group Overlook Operation Network"? Does this work outside of the robot? [/quote] I meant that he wasn't some sort of 'ace pilot' who could, despite limited armaments on the helicopter, out-dogfight a fighter jet with a seasoned pilot. You know, just so my character's not ridiculously OP and good at everything he touches. I figured that if I want to request that my character have psychic abilities of all things, he should have some weaknesses, or at least not be super amazing at everything. I was thinkimg the Etherion in him just makes him able to interface with other Etherion based technology via some sort of mind/machine interface AKA a specialized helmet in the robot. Any psychic abilities outside of just controlling the blades might be esoteric or unreliable.