[center][h1][color=Steelblue][b]K E N I C H I[/b][/color][/h1] [h3][i][b]Classroom 1-A[/b][/i][/h3][hr][/center] As Kenichi finally seated himself in his main character seat, leaning back and putting his feet up on the desk, and...waited. But...was no one else coming? Maybe he was just being impatient... He looked over at [@Feyblue]Fumika. "Okay seriously, we got the right room, right?" he said to her, then looked around at the empty room in confusion. Then [@Silver Carrot][@Aerandir]the twintail girl and that guy who had called Kenichi comic relief came in, and the blue-haired boy breathed a sigh of silent thanks. They hadn't walked into the wrong classroom, they just...had two really late people? More transfers from the General Studies department like Roy, maybe? "Yo, you guys!" Kenichi called out. "Is the exercise over, or are the others still out there?" [@Lucius Cypher]”Hi hi! MVP of Delta Team is here!" The pinkette bounded into the room, a far cry from how she'd been in the jeep earlier. ”Hey Kenichi! How'd it go at Point A? Win one for the team?” "Ah, about that..." Kenichi scratched his cheek and nodded in Fumika's direction. "Motome-chan's a tough cookie. I was still conscious after the fight so I guess technically I captured the point, but we both had to go to the Nurse's office so somebody else might have grabbed it afterwards. Sorry, Mamoru-chan..." he sighed again. "And after all my talk too, right? Ah well, it's only the first day, yeah?" Donny walked in not long after, shuffling silently to his seat and still snacking away. Kenichi didn't say anything just yet, but he wondered how that plan at Point B had gone...hopefully no one had been seriously injured if the chubby kid really had collapsed the whole thing.