[h3][color=gold]Berserker[/color][/h3] [@Raineh Daze][@Blackstripe][@Crusader Lord][@VitaVitaAR] When an animal is in danger, it will fight for its life, if it has to. If the immediate threat is away, or if it is unable to fight for various reasons, then it will flee. Berserker, who was now nothing but an animal at this state, operated only by instinct. His Master, who was his source of existing, his source of staying manifested in this world, was threatened and almost killed. Berserker, himself, is currently surrounded by two opponents, and as far as he knew, they had intended to team up against him just earlier. Berserker was outnumbered. What else could he think to do but run, anyway? Scooping his Master up and hoisting her over his shoulder, Berserker looked at all his enemies once again, giving a low growl. He then turns away, leaping off once again, away from everyone else. With each great leap, he covered hundreds of yards. Berserker would indeed be able to cover such ground in a shorter amount of time, but he also needed to be sure that his Master was safe. Traveling in such high speeds would pose some problems without the proper protection, after all. Berserker finally stopped once ue reached about a mile away from the Church. Placing his Master lightly on the ground, Berserker began to shift back into his normal form, his Mad Enhancement deactivating. As he did, he fell to his knees, using his staff to support him up from falling completely. Berserker had opted to draw primarily from his own mana supply earlier when Mad Enhanced. His own mana was naturally high, after all. Still, though, and especially when under the effects of Mad Enhancement, Berserker had used a bit too much mana in that encounter. Not enough to cause him to dematerialize, but to where he would suffer the effects of exhaustion.