[img] http://i.imgur.com/MMz3kht.png[/img] [b] "It's not your fault, Dark Fairy,"[/b] [b] "And this isn't the first time this has happened in her history. I don't think you truly understand how long she's lived for."[/b] Cienna would jump slightly hearing Erin’s voice as she sat in the chair besides Julies bed, she would slowly raise her head up and turning to face where the sound came from. Her eyes showing the true depth of her sadness again she could feel the time lock spells power weakening as it was supposed to however it was still more than enough to counter the passive pull of darkness that any dark creature had on her. [color=darkorchid]”How can it not be my fault?”[/color] she asked, her voice low, not even sure if she was really hearing Erin or if it was all in her head as her wings reported no physical presence in the room that wasn’t there before, and least of all none other than herself and Julie who were living creatures.[ [color=darkorchid]”It was me who disappointed her enough to make her want to jump.”[/color] she would whisper her head falling again. This was the truth of what she felt, she had messed up more than anything and was terrified of both Julie never waking up and of her waking up and telling her to leave. She would let go of Julies hand her own seeking out the book that was now residing on her lap, gripping its edges tightly. [color=darkorchid]”I… I…” [/color] she stammered closing her eyes and shaking her head as if to clear the fog from the early morning grass [color=darkorchid]”I don’t want this.”[/color] A strong statement, the only statement that she could think of to describe the turmoil that was her emotions. [color=darkorchid]”I’m sorry to you too Erin.”[/color] she would look back towards where the sound came from [color=darkorchid]”by no fault of your own you were… I… I mean… I could have hurt… you too.”[/color] she wanted at least someone to know she didn’t mean to hurt anyone, that it’s the furthest from what she wanted. [color=darkorchid]”I guess… I’m still a burden[/color] she would add almost to herself.