[@tfd] Oh of course not a mega corp powerdealer, but a couple employees and run something lucrative enough for her to have a nice apartment with a view on the park in the corporate zone of the city and be called a corpzoner. Not enough to have a full time security department but enough to rent body guards and occasionally send solos after someone if she hates him enough. On top of my head, the story I'd cook up would be... Comes from a beaver family, middle management but with family ties to more successful corpzoners, was destined to just go to university and become a mid-level wage slave or maybe a mover if she could take the stress. Rebellious, begins at a early age working as a netrunner/edgerunner for the thrills. Gets caught by the police but dodges prison/a literal bullet by making a plea bargain to work for what's left of the US intelligence services for a couple of years thanks to her corporate family members making a few calls. Essentially just continues to netrun for the government on the east coast doing industrial espionage on Europe and the soviets. Her after a few years her contract comes to an end and many big corporations offer her work but she decides to solo and go legit... more or less. So a lot of blackmail later she takes cyber security deals from major corporations (Officially only security deals but sometimes shadier things) and remains safe by keeping a healthy amount of blackmail on a dead hand switch so she isn't just terminated via corporate hit squads. If I had to suggest how she's part of the crew, I'd say when she was an edgerunner she worked with the other players here (or the ones who were active say 5 years ago) and when the group found out she was back in town and working with the big guys they couldn't help but ask her for a big favor, and another, and another. Simply because when she was arrested, it was for a couple of charges, a fraction of the mountain of things she did back then, things they have proof she was the author. Can't escape your pass.