[@MiraChan] True looked over the poster again and nodded at the girl, "Of course, look at any scroll that doesn't have a silver handle. The silver handles have a tendency to be dangerous. I'll take your poster and put it outside for you." True reached out with his foot and carefully took hold of the parchment. He felt sorry for her and she looked so young and lost, especially next to some of the more intimidating characters in the shop at the moment. True lifted his head and narrowed his eyes at the sight of a goblin, then even further as Laila walked into the room. "Laila since you're late, it's your job to get rid of this goblin, it's only going to steal something. Maybe V can help you, it's my test for the newbie," he growled, before jumping from his perch and gliding out of the newly opened door. He flew swiftly across to the noticeboard outside and pinned up the girl's poster right in the centre. If anyone was going to look, they would see it there. When it was secure, he flew back inside and looked across at the man with a mechanical arm. "What do you want with quicksilver then, inquisitor?"[@J Silversmith]