[center][h1][color=bc8dbf]Krielie'nas Nasloede[/color][/h1][/center] There were many things that could displease Krielie'nas and one of those was endless pointless walk that their elven guide seemed to be leading them through. She rolled her eyes as some of the group were rushing rapidly forwards, but she personally felt like there was nowhere to rush forward to. She walked with her average confident pace, letting her body keep a semblance of elegance as her dress fluttered about while they loved. She actually found the flock of crows rather interesting. She herself wore a lot of crow feathers and she did have a reason to in the end. They were quite useful for a lot of specialized witchcraft she knew, but rarely used since she shattered her psyche. Plus their feathers looked so elegant with their jet black shining color. As she was keeping with the rest, she found herself increasingly irritated. There was something annoying the hell out of her and messing with her calm. It didn't even provide with any sort of fun or pleasure. This endless walk for a good while now. She pulled her flask with vinegar again, to let herself focus on it's taste. She had to wait... this was an investment. Once they arrived or once they made a camp, something interesting was bound to happen This was her way of giving a logical reason for this annoyance to be suffered. Otherwise she'd have hit their elf 'leader' with a curse already just to watch him squirm about and suffer with glee. Placing the tip of her right index finger on the flask, she turned it to let the liquid wet her fingertip before she ran it carefully across her lips almost as if she was putting on lipstick. [color=bc8dbf]“I should have brought a book...”[/color] She mumbled, realizing that would have been one way to pass the time. That or bringing some magic dolls to play with. That would have been hilarious.