[Center] [color=6ecff6] "Hi my name is Jonas sparks and I'd like to thank you for opening this email. I have sent this email to you in regards to the magical exam you underwent at the end of your final term in your respected educational facility. Your educators must have informed you after the exam, that within a years time you would be contacted by a magical agency to see if you could become a professional mage. For those of you receiving this email, I would like to congratulate you on being accepted into the International Mages and Founders Organization (I.M.F.O.) . You have been contacted due to your outstanding scores on your exams. You show great potential In becoming a fantastic mage and we hope you continue to grow as a magical user in the future. Here at IMFO we can help you become stronger and open doorways that will lead you to a prosperous life. We would love to have you here. For those of you who would join us here at IMFO, we are having an open interview at the testing grounds just outside the city's borders at the west gate tomorrow at 12pm. We hope to see you there!" [/color][/center] You close the email and ponder. You know IMFO is a highly respected organization; the organization every mage in the city dreams of entering. Only a few gifted mages are chosen each year to represent the organization. You, by what seems like a miracle, have been accepted among the thousands of other mages that reside in the city, to join. There is no doubt in your mind; you have been accepted into nearly half of the agencies that are located throughout the city, but none hold a candle to IMFO. You have to join! Shortly after processing the wonderful news in your head, a second email pops up from the same sender. It reads, [Center][color=6ecff6]"Make sure to bring a second set of clothes!"[/color][/center] Hi everyone! I'm glad you've read this Far, that means you're at least sort of interested. This is Rp is going to be set in a Fantasy/Modern day world where magic exists. This rp will take place in a Mega city called New Edis. The city holds roughly 4.6 million citizens, over half of which have magical capabilities. Only a small percentage of its residents are professional mages that belong to agencies ( such as IMFO). The city of New Edis is surrounded by a massive wall acting as a border between Edis and the rest of the world. I have some plans for this rp but right now I'm just looking for people who are interested. I will provide more information on the city, the world and agencies In the OOC (if we get there). I'll explain a few things here, like Magic, so you know what your me getting into. [Hider= Magic] Magic power is found within every living thing. From plants to animals, magic power lies within the soul of any organism . Humans however, are the only species to develops the necessary amount of magic control to utilize the magic power that is stored within them. by accessing this pool of magic power that every human has, a person can summon fourth this magic power and manifest it into a physical form. This physical for is the magic that we see mages use on an everyday basis. Tools have been created to help focus magical power into a more concentrated state, making it not only easier to control but stronger as well. These tools are known as a Spell Focus. A mage that wields magic without a spell focus is similar to  mowing grass with a pair of scissors, it can still be done but it will be less effective and the end result will be unsatisfactory. For example, Casting illusion magic without a spell focus will not look realistic, but would look more like a Victorian style painting. A spell focus can be anything. It may take the form of a wand, a necklace, a ring or even something uncommon like a sword or gauntlet. Every mage has learned how to create a spell focus through their schools. A mage must imbue an item with their magic power over the course of five hours, this usually drains the magic power of a mage for some time but no other side effects occur. Needless to say every spell focus is attuned to a mage and can only be used by said mage. [/hider] [Hider=Mages] Mages come in all shapes and sizes, anybody can become a professional mage with enough hard work and dedication. Through practice and perseverance a mage can become exceptional with his/her magic. Usually a mage focus' on one style of magic instead of learning a bunch of different styles. This helps them be proficient in one kind of magic that they can utilize Perfectly. A master of one over a master of none. Some professional mages have practiced two types of magic for years, the one being their main magic and the other being a secondary magic. The secondary magic is usually far weaker than their main. [/hider] [Hider=Proficiencies] In this world of magic you will find that every mage has their style, their preferred method. A mage will usually find they excel in a certain type of magic, a kind of magic that has distinct properties to it; Magic with certain traits that can't be found in other types. These different types of magic all fall under certain categories called Schools. These are the different schools... [Center] [color=6ecff6]Rituals[/color]: a type of magic that is seldom used these days due to the fast pace of the world. No longer taught in schools, ritual magic is know to be the oldest type of magic. Being proficient in this school of magic allows its user to cast magic over long periods of time. The effects of these spells last longer and often are very powerful. The only downside is a Mage must have external resources they can use to sacrifice for each ritual (3g of salt, herbs, bone marrow etc.). the casting time for rituals usually takes hours, sometimes days. [color=6ecff6]Modification Magic[/color]: this school of magic is popular among the residents of New Edis who did not join agencies. Not that this school isn't strong, but rather they have more applications in every day life. Modification magic is used to change you or the world around you in some way, shape or form. A good pick for a secondary magic. Those who are proficient in Modification magic and use it as their main, can turn out to be formidable Mages indeed. (ex. Teleportation, telepathy, transformation) [color=6ecff6]Caster/Control magic[/color]: The most common and well known school of magic. Control mages use their magic power to create/manipulate the environment around them. People who specifically use elemental type magic are proficient in this school. in this school of magic, manipulation of a preexisting object is much harder than simply creating an object, manipulation is closer to Modification magic than it is to Control Magic. Aside from the elements, proficiency in this school allows you to control things that have to do with the environment (ex. Shadows, lightning, wood, concrete etc.) [color=6ecff6]Enhancement[/color]: a basic form of magic that is similar to Modification Magic that uses less power and is only self inflicted. Being proficient in this school allows people to use magic in order to enhance their physical traits (strength, speed, enhanced eyesight etc). What sets the school of enhancement aside from other schools, is the magic power consumption. It takes very little magic power to use. [color=6ecff6]Illusion[/color]: there aren't many types of illusion magic, but they can be effective if used properly in the right situations. the types of magic in this school often involve portraying an image in the world or someone's mind. If used right you can effectively change someone's emotion or thought process by casting a type of illusion on them. The length of illusions is Dependant on how much magical power you use in order to cast it. [color=6ecff6]Summoning[/color]: under this school of magic, Mages use their magic power to call beings into existence. A common type of magic under this school is the summoning of animals, magic that summons fantastical beasts take more power and are harder to learn. Mages who have honed their skills to a high degree can summon creatures that will exist permanently, these creatures are usually no bigger than a wolf. [color=6ecff6]Abyssal[/color]: this school of magic is rarely used due to its destructive nature and its inclination to consume its user. Some parts of the world have banned this school of magic, while places like Edis just keep a eye on it. Magic in this school often have a connection to death and evil, but that's not always the case. Magic like necromancy and blood magic fall under this school. Abyssal is not taught in schools and is hard to find in libraries, making it a very hard school to be proficient in because of the lack of information surrounding it. [color=6ecff6]Invigoration[/color]: this school is commonly used by support mages or as a secondary magic. Healing, rejuvenating stamina and giving others positive status effects all full under this school. Proficiency in this school allows users to use magic types that involve the transfer of your magical power into someone else, the effects of which are Dependant on the type of magic under this school.[/center] These 8 schools of magic make up the world of spells in a mages arsenal. When you are learning the ways of magic in school you are often given tests to see which school you resonate with the most, this usually ends of being the school you are proficient in. There have been cases where mages will be proficient in two schools and use the two schools in conjunction with each other to create unique types of magic. I don't want everyone to be a magic prodigy who can do this so DM your idea and I'll approve it there. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Age: (18 or 19) Gender: Appearance: (a written description or a picture, preferably anime styled) Personality: Biography: (nothing crazy. Just state why you decided to pursue the life of a mage) School Proficiency: ( pick one of the 8 schools, if you're not sure what your magic falls under feel free to ask) Type of Magic: (If i deem it to be over powered I will ask that you change it or included some big weaknesses) Spell focus: (description or picture, up to you.) Trivia: [/hider]