[color=ed1c24][u][b]James Gregor Castner[/b][/u][/color] "So your Death Squads were doing us a favor, is that your excuse?", The handy man sneered at the other James, "Well, forgive me if I'm not feeling very grateful. I'm not a fan of the Brotherhood by any means, but I can't deny they did us a solid by dealing with you people. I always thought the Brotherhood claims that you people tried to spike the Purifier with poison were bullshit...listening to you, I see now that it probably wasn't." “It wasn’t”, James spoke up, his voice heavy with the memory of when they first discovered the Enclave’s plot. It was horrifying how close they had come to sure death. “I was there for all of it.” The woman peered at his device over the handy man’s shoulder. It now looked as though she was about his age, but older than the man she had been standing so close too. She extended a hand. "I'm Corrine. My family's been on the island for generations," she nodded, wary of extending her hand to the newest stranger. "Nice to hear we have another mainlander on our side." He shook it firmly in return. “Your town seems like it could use help, and I want to help. I crashed here like some god wanted me here. I would have had three more men behind me if we hadn’t been hit by something in the sky.” The handyman turned his attention to him, responding to his proposal and then examining the tracker. "Maybe", Steve said, "If you don't mind I'll need to get it apart to know for sure." He was a little nervous about handing off Brotherhood technology to an outsider. Years of living under the codex ingrained that in him, yet he had to push it aside. “No problem”, he heard himself saying. Corrine was getting even closer to the handyman, pushing her face near his. James remembered Colleen doing much the same thing one evening, when they were barely out of their power armor after a daily patrol. He sighed softly. "I'm Steve Miller", Steve continued, "Chief Engineer, and sole survivor of the SS Regina...she was a tramp steamer out of Halifax. Went down in a storm about three weeks ago. Folks that picked me up dropped me off here." “Sounds like a terrible experience. I’m not sure I would have been brave enough to take to the sea like that after so many years of fancy vertibirds.”, he chuckled a little, pushing away the bittersweet memory of the past. “Where are you from originally? You seem a little familiar.” Before Steve could respond, the Enclaver interrupted again. “Since you’re the better Handyman, it seems, I’ll leave you to fix that and find out who owns this store", the Enclaver said as he turned to leave. "Even with the tracker fixed we may not be able to recover the equipment in time for the atom fruitcakes attack and should have access to the store’s stock without risk of being shot for being a thief.” "You do that", Steve said, sounding glad to have the man out of his hair for a bit. "I could use a rifle as well, and Corrine needs 10mm ammo and N99 magazines." “I already have Shark, Bear, and Talon”, he said as he gestured at the weapons on him. “But we lack armor unless this shop has some, or we get to the vertibird tonight. Also I'll standby to help you get the tracker up and running.” He squinted out a cracked window at the setting sun. “I’m not sure we have much time for anything if we don’t start preparing now. And I’m sure going outside the wall at night will be a bit more dangerous than day time.”