[img] http://i.imgur.com/MMz3kht.png[/img] Cienna looked down feeling disgusted with herself with fate and wanting the burning in her wrist to stop not knowing what it even meant. [color=darkorchid]”I… I’m… I’m sorry…”[/color] Cienna said letting Julies hand go again her inner turmoil almost trumping the desperate burning in her wrist. [color=darkorchid]”I’m sorry that fate has done this, maybe I can still help you.”[/color] she said as she rose up from her chair her wings carrying her. [color=darkorchid]”I can use my magic to restore you to your own body”[/color] she knew the costs of doing so and honestly didn’t really care, her movements would uncover her wrist which burned and glowed as she moved towards where she heard Erin’s voice coming from. She wanted to reach out and touch the demon she could hear crying but not knowing exactly where she was or even if she could. She would hover beside the origin of the sound her wrist demanding she do something and not even knowing what it meant she would ask [color=darkorchid] “What does this mean?”[/color] fear could be heard in her voice, had the tattoo vanished, had it changed.. why did it burn again. The silence that she perceived around them may have lasted a second or a million years as she waited for Erin to respond to her question. Nothing in any of the books she had read could possibly prepare anyone for encountering a soulmate not to mention the tattoo breaking all the known rules. It made her feel even worse for knowing now that Erin was Julies soulmate, then what was fate thinking putting Julie’s name on her wrist. She already had a soul mate so wasn’t it against the rules for it to give a second? These thoughts and many more passed through her mind in a fraction of a second. [color=darkorchid]”Can you… Can you tell me… your story…”[/color] she asked her tone soft as she looked down hovering, she would appear to shrink with in herself.