[quote=@shagranoz] [hider=Persephone] Name: Persephone Isauros Species: Lamia Gender: Female Appearance: [img] https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.QuVrwTmRHX0gbewXkn_TsADIEs&w=192&h=288&c=7&qlt=90&o=4&dpr=1.05&pid=1.7 [/img] Persephone is about ten feet long, and can rear up to a little over five feet. She's a little chunky by human standards, but normal size for a lamia. Her hair is indeed purple, but it's a dye job- she's a natural blonde. Her eyes are blue, and she has a tiny scar on her right cheek. Her clothing is usually a cotton top in various light shades, with nothing on her tail. She moves like a snake, so her belly scales need to be able to grip the floor. Magic: Mana: 4 Mind: 10 Spirit: 2 Techniques: Enchanting: Persephone is trying to learn basic enchanting. It's slow going, but she's been able to make a few small trinkets, like a purse that is somewhat lighter than its contents. Telepathy: While Persephone is not a master at this skill yet, she could probably hold her own against virtually any other student. She can see well beyond surface thoughts to a person's darkest fears and innermost secrets, and has shown hints of being able to influence minds, maybe even the ability to control them with a little practice. Spirit calling: A recent interest of hers, Persephone has been able to summon a few very minor spirits. She's very new to this particular skill set, though, and it shows. Abilities: Persephone's bite contains a fairly potent hemotoxin, causing extreme internal bleeding. She can deliver much more venom than a normal viper, due to her larger head, but with prompt healing magic or antivenin, the victim at least has a fighting chance of survival. Bio: Lamia live in isolated communities in deserts around the world. Persephone grew up in a small clan in New Mexico. Their relations with a nearby human town were rather cordial, often working in human-owned businesses and shops. Persephone was six when she found her magic. She accidentally brushed up against her mother's tail, and found she could see into her mind. She was understandably freaked out, and at first, didn't want anything to do with it. It was only after a long, calming discussion with her parents that she decided to make magic her career path. She's become somewhat more confident in her magic, and wants to do research into turning thoughts into three-dimensional illusory "mindscapes" for psychological treatments. Other: Persephone is cold-blooded. [/hider] [/quote] We would like you to define your mental control powers further, please.