Daphne was just on the verge of pouting. If one could read the future, she did. "It's not fair", the red-head complained, stomping her pink-heeled boot on the ground, frowning. "We were gonna solve a mystery by ourselves for the first time ever", she added. Fred was more amused than agreeable. "How are you gonna solve it yourself after you get caught?", he asked, wondering what her plan was gonna be, if her danger-prone tendencies got in the way. Daphne put her hands on her hips, straightening up. "I'm a black belt now. I've now transformed my body into a dangerous weapon", by the sound of it, she was serious, but like every time, it was taken as a joke by the gang; her sister included. By how she's trying to look tough, but always seen as a damsel-in-distress in the end. Fred chuckled in amusement at her determination. "What? It's true", Daphne insisted. As soon as Velma thought of it, Maggie appeared in the distance. "What is this?", she commented aloud, almost delighted to see the gang back together again, though seemingly. The three of them heard the voice of Shaggy's little sister, and had their attention towards her, as she approached them; Shaggy following behind. "Hey, where's Scoob?", Fred asked them. As if on cue, the talking dog himself seemed to be clumsily walking towards the gate in what seems to be a woman's outfit with a hat and heels, appearing to have caused quite an amount of attention. This was Shaggy's idea, after he learned that big dogs were not allowed on the plane. All Maggie could do was cover her eyes in embarrassment at the scene, though was chuckling on the inside.