[center][img]https://s10.postimg.org/a89eug7yh/Header_75.gif[/img] [h1][i][color=#8AB8E6]Mira Grace[/color][/i][/h1] Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ [color=#8AB8E6]#8AB8E6[/color] [color=#ebb40e]||[/color] Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ [color=#EBB40E]#EBB40E[/color] [/center][hr] As the remaining two Servants both departed just as swiftly as they'd come, Mira took a moment to catch her breath. The adrenaline slowly began to thin in her veins, and as she stopped pumping Prana through her circuits, the feeling returned slowly to her extremities, while the heat in her blood began to subside. Suddenly, she was... cold? Was this sweat across her brow? How long, she wondered, had her legs been shaking like this? She found herself gasping for air, before exhaling it in a sigh of relief. [color=#8AB8E6]"Two Servants on the way into the city alone... Perhaps I underestimated this war,"[/color] She said shakily, adjusting her hat as she tried to process all that had just happened. The Master of Rider hadn't seemed keen on continuing the fight with them herself... and Rider's last speech to them had been almost friendly. Assuming he could be trusted, then that meant... he wouldn't attack them again until the war's end, right? Not having to worry about such a dangerous enemy would make things significantly easier for them, especially if they wanted to maintain a defensive strategy. Even if he didn't have Magic Resistance, Rider's speed alone might negate all the advantages provided by her home's Bounded Field, which would make clashing with him difficult even on her own home turf. But what Berserker's Master had said also gave her pause. All she'd heard were her last words, but... what did she mean about Rider abandoning her Master? Why would an enemy care about such a thing? And that much aside, why would Rider want to give up on the one who supplied him with Prana in the first place? It made no sense... And what was all that talk about fate supposed to be? No matter. Speculation would only get so far, and she could already feel a chill running up her spine. She'd thought she was relatively safe before, but... Just as she'd thought, the outside world really was terrifying! She wrapped her arms tightly around herself, clinging to what little warmth she had as her blood ran cold, her fingers fidgeting and fretting with the hem of her cloak. She hadn't even had time to notice that she was being attacked before Rider had already been upon them... Which meant even now, there might be other Servants hiding around every corner, just waiting for the chance to strike. Saber had been incredible, but could she really count on her to protect her from every single possible threat? Statistically speaking, it seemed like sooner or later, someone could get her. She couldn't just stand idly around here. It wasn't safe. Where would the next attack come from? Above? Behind? The flank? Below, even? Nowhere was safe. [color=#8AB8E6]"S-Saber, let's hurry and go, okay?"[/color] She tried her hardest to keep her teeth from chattering as she began muttering under her breath. [color=#8AB8E6]"The outside... The outside isn't safe. Mother was really right, we can't afford to stray too far - not for long. They might even be watching me right now... Where? It doesn't matter. Let's hurry to the church and then go back. Let's try again on a different night. I don't... I don't want... No, no, no. Ah, I should have brought my broomstick... If we'd flown, this might never have happened...!"[/color] Her voice trailed off into an inaudible, squeaking whimper as she shook her head and set her eyes on the path ahead. Normally, she'd have taken off running just to get away from this terrifying place, but... Until Saber agreed to go with her, she didn't want to budge from the cursed ground she now occupied. She didn't want to move for a second if it might mean exposing herself to another attack! Her crows' eyes darted frantically across the ground all around, looking for even the slightest sign of movement. She couldn't find anything... But that only made her more afraid, since didn't that mean that if there was someone there, they were well and truly capable of approaching her without being discovered? Witches were supposed to work best at night, and Mira had never particularly feared the dark. But... She knew better than to not be afraid of what lay hidden within it. [center][@VitaVitaAR][@Blackstripe][@Raineh Daze][@Crusader Lord][/center]