Unless anyone would rather I go ahead and do so, I'm gonna hold off on posting a bit so that it's easier for Gaki to stick around the group--right now, he's looking for a way out of the Labyrinth, and his roar was only meant to make the Jak Jak call out again so he could track its voice. He wouldn't engage a large monster on his own unless it was "trash tier" like G. Jaggi/G. Maccao or an Arzuros or something, cause he lacks proper tools and equipment. If I had him appear on the scene now, he'd blitz his way out the door at the first opportunity and would be too scared of the creatures he's never seen before (Hunters) and the Jak Jak to come back, but if he shows up when the Jak Jak has been weakened or beaten he'll be too full of curiosity as to how the Hunters brought down something that, in his view, is the greater predator.