[h2]Saber[/h2] The other Masters had departed just as quickly as they had arrived... For a few moments, Saber gaze had remained on the spot that Rider had occupied earlier. Yes, she would like to continue their battle. She felt she had discovered the key to forcing him on foot. But that could wait. Indeed, she wanted to resume their battle with no chance of interruption and no concerns about her Master being attacked while they fought. After moment, the black-haired swordswoman turned to face her Master. "While he is somewhat unscrupulous, I have no reason to doubt Rider's word. He is an honest fi-..." she trailed off when she noticed just how much her Master was shaking. Had this experience terrified her so much? She found herself frowning. Saber had worried her Master was somewhat unprepared for battle, even with all the defenses she had prepared, and this confirmed her suspicions. After a moment's pause, she approached her Master. "Master, this is but a single battle for the Holy Grail," began Saber, "You must prepare yourself for more. This will not be the end, and it will not end until each of the enemy Servants has fallen. Steel yourself for this future, Master, for this is what we both face." For a few moments, the short girl hesitated. She was perhaps not the best at comforting others, but she had to say something... something from a place of honesty. And so, a very small smile came to her lips. "Besides, fighting to protect someone gives me a warm, nostalgic feeling," she said, immediately feeling somewhat embarrassed to be voicing such a thing, her cheeks coloring. It wasn't something that she would have otherwise said, but she had to say something to her Master, did she not? Ah, but it was so embarrassing to just voice something like that with a smile! Being embarrassed was horribly, terribly impractical! "... Regardless, I do agree that we must proceed quickly." Unwilling to allow her Master to leave her sight, Saber quickly did the first thing that came to mind. Certainly, it was embarrassing, but in the end it was necessary. The black-haired swordswoman grasped her Master's hand and began to guide her towards the Church. [@Blackstripe][@Raineh Daze][@Cu Chulainn][@Feyblue][@Crusader Lord][@WanderingSpirit]