[@Mistress Dizzy][@Bornlucky][@Crimmy] [b]Uchima Senior High - A Hallway -> Barricaded Classroom, 1st Floor, Classroom Building???[/b] The end of the broom jerked to a halt right in front of Jin's solar plexus, the rush of air audibly distinct from the monotonous appearance of their hazy, eerily-constructed world or the distant, inhuman cries that seemed to have blended into one another into a dull mass of noise. Unlike the facsimile of the school they seemed to be growing more and more used to, there was a reality to the broom handle. A reality gripped in the hands of a [url=https://i.imgur.com/n25grNO.jpg]fiery, amber-eyed girl[/url], her androgynous frame missing the uniform one would expect Uchima Senior High's students to have been wearing. Savoury confectionery was barely held between her teeth. Her gaze stared through untidy strands of grey hair, the broomstick slowly being pulled away from Jin. If the trio of the students were to look past her and into the classroom that she was guarding, they would have noticed the distinct white "DETENTION" surrounded by fading chalk on the blackboard. "Human?" A hand had let go of the broom, and was inching behind her back. [hr] [@Zelosse][@Melpaws][@liferusher] [b]The Park[/b] "[b]YOU. DARE?![/b]" The dazzling ray struck with vigour against the yellow-red torso of the monster, and its disgusting, surprised snarl filled the air, erupting from its fanged, animalistic maw with flaking spittle. Its long, flexible neck shivered and shuddered in pain, shaking in the wind even as it pushed through the attack, pulling its powerful arm away from its attempted attack to push the intense beam back. The light seemed to burn against the bulging muscle, but it dissipated as the creature roared once more. Its assault on the trio had been stalled. It had been hurt. It had proved to have been hurt. The guttural groan was proof of it. Yet ... It had seemed resistant. Iyashimasu's strike had not been entirely effective. Gleaming red eyes - [i]inhuman, demonic eyes[/i] - met Blair's own. "[B]I WILL. KILL. YOU.[/b]" The green coils tightened onto Jack and Enju, refusing to let them go. Yet its attentions were not upon them. It slammed its arms together, and a wave of pure, rippling force blasted through the air at Blair. [hr] [@Savo] Deep in the bowels of darkness, the mass stopped. There was a scent. A disgustingly sweet scent, like fruit ripened beyond their time. A scent sickening and cloying, yet melding into a tangy odour of salt. Furred, sliming appendages - the smells oozing from their morass - slowly lifted Alexander's body upwards, as if feeding him to an irascible god, and the feeling of air - cold, musty and metallic air - against his skin was felt once more. He was surrounded by an empty darkness. The floor seemed far beneath where he hung, greying stone streaked with black char marks. Every few minutes, there was a flicker of dull emerald light. Something was hanging next to him. And something began to crawl up his body once more.