[color=9e0039][u][b]Robert Edwin House House - President, C.E.O, and Sole Proprietor of the FZM[/b][/u][/color] [color=9e0039][b]Lucky 38[/b][/color] [i]"I could say more Robert, but I'm sure you have questions. While I obviously could not attend your convention in person...not until we determined it was safe of course, I wanted to make sure we could have the chance to talk again. If only indirectly. The 'holotape' that A6 placed into the holotape player was more than just a recording. It is a AI system all its own. Something that I designed myself. It is based fully on my own neurological matrix and is programmed to respond to various inquiries. Its response are sometimes...limited, but it is quite capable of answering some basic questions for you. I know its not ideal...but it will have to do for now. So please...ask away." [/i] Robert House was, for perhaps the first time since before the war, at a loss for words. It might have seemed insulting to Thomas, after that whole speech, for Mr. House to leave him with such a span of silence. “Thomas…It’s you. By god, the Old World is waking up, isn’t it? The titans of our old power, finding their way back into the world. If you’re real, then there is much work to be done.” Mr. House sent for Jane. “Jane, catalogue everything uttered in this conversation. It is of upmost importance.” The securitron, having freshly rolled into the room, suddenly froze and went into some sort of data-stasis. Robert then proceeded with his questions. “Very well. If it is to be later before we truly speak with each other, then I will banter with this coding you’ve written.” He proceeded. “Then Thomas, I must ask, to what extent has your research exceeded. Have you created your own civilization of them? Your own world? Or are you just as humble and careful as I’d remembered.” He paused again as he drew up another question. “And these ‘synths’ of yours…” He stared at the group of deactivated humanoids through his monitor. “They’re completely malleable? You can shape them…order them to do anything?” Robert House then managed a chuckle over his intercom. “I am impressed, Thomas. Surprised that you’ve found a way to taste immortality as I have, which I suppose I will ask later. But I am also surprised that you’ve been chiseling at the high-technology sectors. I am impressed.”