Okay, so I'm holding off on the character I've got in reserve in case something happens because these three took me all day and I'm all tapped out. Lemme know what if anything needs to be changed. [hider=Characters] [hider=That poor kid...] Name: Kain Age (Magical Girl): 8 Age (Before Magical Girl): 15 Gender: Boy Gender (Before Magical Girl): Boy Appearance: Retaining his body type from before making his contract, Kain stands at 5 foot 6 inches. His Magical Outfit is a flowing coat, though it's almost always covered in metal armor. [hider=Normal] [img]http://www.wallpapermaiden.com/image/2016/08/26/anime-boy-white-hair-hoodie-smiling-necklace-gray-eyes-anime-4983.gif[/img] [/hider] [hider=Transformed and Armor] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/92/23/cf/9223cf2a531fdc1579644dfe820f6f59.jpg[/img] [img]http://imgur.com/YTyYzGo[/img] [/hider] Specialization: Metal. Weapon: [b]Aurichalcum[/b] - A Mystic weapon in the shape of a small cylinder with flat disks on the top and bottom that serve as hand-guards. It serves as a focus for his magic and is often turned into various weapons because of this. The inside contains a special metal that he created from his magic in the form of metallic sand, the same metal that Aurichalcum is made of and named after. This metal is slightly more durable in all four strength aspects than Inconel. Power: [b]Killing Blow[/b] - Gáe Bulg Perks: - Healing Artifact: A small amulet that converts mana into low-level Reinforcement magic, acting as a conduit to allow this in place of a natural Reinforcement Specialization. - Gifted: Combined with several years of being a Magical Boy and his absurd luck, his natural draw to metal and Metal Magic has driven his skill to levels and avenues of usage that had never been seen before, or at least was known about in the Metal Specialization. - Male: He remained a male even after making his contract. - Familiar: Morrigan, a raven that Kain had been caring for as a pet for a few months before his becoming a Magical Boy brought out her true potential as a magical familiar. She can turn into a human female and back to her raven form nearly instantaneously, and is highly intelligent, even among other familiars. This is to the point that she can cast small spells if provided with mana, making her an invaluable ally and asset in battle. - Closure: History was rewritten to make it that he had died at age 13, while babysitting a neighbor's 3 year old child. Patron: (Refuses to give its name.) Patron Benefits: Chatty, Well Connected, Mystical Might, Physical Prowess. Patron Drawbacks: Expendable, Cagey, Hostile. Fighting Style: Kain fights without a set style, using his versatile magic and extreme luck in new and creative ways every fight. When backed into a corner or faced with too many enemies, he'll almost always switch to either his anti-enemy or anti-army version of Gáe Bulg to quickly end the battle. Stats (Untransformed): STR: 3 AGI: 3 VIT: 4 MAG: 4 LCK: 7 Stats (Transformed): STR: 4 AGI: 4 VIT: 6 MAG: 7 LCK: 25 Personality: Usually an optimist, Kain tends to search extensively for any good thing in a situation. He tends to put others before himself whenever he can, leading to a lot of unnecessary harm to himself. History: Kain was approached by a Puchuu due to his absurd affect on fate and his potential to increase that affect. In the Puchuu's own words, "He'd make an excellent Rook." Incantation: "I am the bone of my sword. Steel is my body and silver is my blood. Through Aurichalcum I'll become a knight to protect the weak!" Additional Info: Like his older sister, he is a huge fan of the Fate series. So much so that he built his incantation around a quote from it. [/hider] [hider=Patron] Type: Puchuu Name: "TA" "Tay" (This has not been disclosed to anyone other than other Puchuu.) Personality: Manipulative, malevolent, uncaring. History: Has a grudge against males do to past Magical Boys that he "employed" having been weak. Originally active in Europe, he moved operations to the United States several months before contracting with Kain. Resources: TA has 2 magical girls under contract, counting Kain, and tends to act more like a member of the Ebon Mint than a Puchuu when dealing with them. He claims that unlocking their magical potential put them in debt to him, and his use of his Well Connected status is a way to keep them useful while also keeping them in his supposed debt. Thanks to those connections, he's able to provide thing from mundane items such as IDs and passports to military weapons to restaurant reservations. He tends to only give the lower-tier and single use, easy to obtain items to Kain due to his sexism. Additional Info: Currently training another Puchuu in how to preform the duties of their species and work with Magical Girls. He is an objectively bad influence on the younger mind. [/hider] [hider=Down a dark road.] Name: Her birth name is Violet, but at age 2 her name was legally changed to Shion in respect to her just deceased great-grandmother. Age (Magical Girl): 15 Age (Before Magical Girl): 22 Gender: Girl Gender (Before Magical Girl): Girl Appearance: Unlike many Magical Girls, her transformed body is no different physically than her normal body. She personally cannot understand how a simple clothes change into a school uniform is able to mask her identity so effectively. With light brown hair and eyes of a slightly darker shade, Violet stands at 5 foot 4 inches. (1.6 meters) Despite her slightly visible musculature from her above-average fitness, she is somewhat underweight at 105 pounds. (47.6 Kilograms) [hider=Pre-Magical Girl] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/to-aru-majutsu-no-index/images/7/75/Misaka_Misuzu_profile.png/revision/latest?cb=20140816183928[/img] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/508387762236432385/sGIlpv59.jpeg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Normal] [img]https://ncache.ilbe.com/files/attach/new/20130619/14357299/_22114725296/1440326349/d6ff67e8f4dc5768762c5a581d8ae184.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/anTJ5mF.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Magical Girl form] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/2a/6e/a9/2a6ea95028503b83e627315869d0df99.jpg[/img] [img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/8557/f/2011/261/2/c/misaka_mikoto_by_roberto_miak-d4a8fqv.jpg[/img] [/hider] Specialization: Oddball - Magnetism Weapon: [b]AMP[/b] - Her first Magical Weapon is her hair-clip that acts as a focus for her magic. The top side is made of silver while the bottom side is an indigo magical gem. [b]Fielder[/b] - Her second weapon is a four-part melee weapon consisting of a hilt with a square hand-guard that contains a special material in the form of sand with an opening at the middle of the guard that can be opened and closed through her magic. This hilt connects seamlessly with a sword blade of the same magical material as the other pieces. The final two pieces can be described as two halves of a baseball bat, which fit upside down on and around the sword blade and hilt, the hand-guard fitting inside them as well. Power: [b]Duplication[/b] Perks: - Enhanced Weapon: Her weapon can be split into four parts, each controlled by her magic. This allows her to use it in many ways that would otherwise be impossible. Her gem hairpin also acts as an amplifier for her magic, as well as a focus to make all of her magic faster and easier to use. - Martial Training: Her already above-average grasp of the aspects of battle have been greatly improved on both knowledge-based and instinctual levels, without any effort on her part. - Money: Her bank account has begun receiving $3000 USD monthly from a seemingly impossible to trace, if it even exists, source. - Environmental Sealing: She is immune to environmental extremes such as pressure and temperature and generates her own air supply around her body. She can share this with people she is in physical contact with. Unfortunately it does not serve as a shield against direct magical attacks. - Fated: She is fated to do some unknown task. She is effectively impossible to kill while in her normal form, and circumstances bend around her to her favor. Patron?: Ebon Mint. Shion received a Black Coin upon her first transformation. Patron: "Ko" "Kousai" (Prefers to be called "Ko" by girls and "Kousai" by guys, as she feels "Ko" is cuter and sounds weird hearing it from a masculine voice." Patron Benefits: Black Coin, Non-Exclusivity. Patron Benefits: Chatty, Concerned, Mana Font. Patron Drawbacks: Debt, Betrayal. Patron Drawbacks: Isolated, Distracted. Fighting Style: She tends to use her surroundings and versatile weapon to attack from afar with magnet guns and up close with metal grain weapons, rarely using her actual Magical Weapon in a fight she's serious in, other than the hilt. Stats (Untransformed): STR: 4 AGI: 4 VIT: 5 MAG: 14 LCK: 7 Stats (Transformed): STR: 6 AGI: 5 VIT: 8 MAG: 16 LCK: 8 Personality: She tends to switch between distant and merciless to overly friendly and unable to harm a fly. This is in distinct contrast to her "average" personality, where she is cynical and self-deprecating. A misanthrope who distrusts her peers, hates her elders, and is protective of her youngers. Hates liars but is not above lying. It's unknown even to her whether or not her sliding scale personality is a facade or genuine. History: A precocious girl who spent her late childhood developing and discarding countless philosophies and interests of the world, she had settled on one of irrelevance to the universe and personal worthlessness. This was exasperated by the loss of her younger brother, and she had only recently begun to open up when she became a Magical Girl. Despite having grown up with an indifferent mother and doting stepfather, her views of adults are almost always negative. Combined with a distrust of her peers fostered by a lifetime of abuse both verbal and physical for her personality and flightiness, she is a misanthrope through and through, giving exception only to those younger than their teens. Her return to her teenage self has brought the limit of "tolerable" back down to 15 rather than 21. Her younger brother held a special place in her heart, and added to the development of her opinion of herself when she was unable to save his life, taken by an infant playing with open electricity who he was helping watch in place of its parents, who she holds responsible. This event, the image of her brother's corpse and the sound of his pained scream haunt her to this day. Incantation: "Shatter, fractal images of of the unseen. Fuse and repulse, become one to become many. I am the center of my reality." Additional Info: A "jack of all trades, master of none" due to her inconsistent interests and pursuits, she is most proud of her cooking skill, her talent of singing, and her uncanny ability to judge the world around her mathematically. (Such as distance, the passage of time, vague speed, etc.) She was working on obtaining a degree in Quantum Physics, as well as minors in Biochemistry and Computer Science, before she became a Magical Girl. This knowledge and experience works well with her strange magic affinity. It is her goal to collect as many Black Coins as possible in an attempt to gain enough power to revive her little brother. [/hider] [hider=Patron] Type: Puchuu Name: "Ko" "Kousai" (Prefers to be called "Ko" by girls and "Kousai" by guys, as she feels "Ko" is cuter and sounds weird hearing it from a masculine voice." Personality: Surprisingly very caring and empathetic, Ko does her best to aid Shion however she can and without asking for anything in return. History: A young Puchuu who for some reason doesn't exhibit the traits of normal Puchuu, Ko was taken into training by the Puchuu Tay, and was following him and his charge, a Magical Boy, when she met Shion and brought out her magical potential. Resources: Ko only has Shion in her employ, and tries to pay her in both useful information and Coins. When she's actually able to be around Shion, she is a very useful ally and partner to her. Ko has a natural talent for finding lost and discarded items that she tends to collect, creating a varied and odd resource pool. Additional Info: Due to her "condition," she's usually forced to leave Shion to herself in order to visit and/or "train under" other Puchuu. She dislikes the fact that she can't help more, but she tries to look at the bright-side by keeping in mind that learning more about being a Puchuu will allow her to better help Shion and any future Magical Girls she employs. [/hider] [hider=Wande-SQUIRREL] Name: "May [Unknown] [Redacted]" Ever since she became a Monster-girl she's gone by the name "Makoto," and hides her original name like a priceless treasure. Also known as: "That Damn Squirrel," "The Black Courier," "Please Don't Break My Legs," and "That Super Dedicated Cosplayer." Age (Magical Girl): 13 (Though one would never know it looking at her) Age (Before Magical Girl): 20 Gender: Girl Gender (Before Magical Girl): Girl Appearance: While she's capable of hiding her Monster Girl parts, she tends to only hide them with clothes rather than magic, relying on people's natural defenses against strange sights and the excuse that she's cosplaying instead. She physically is much older than she should be, having used her magic to put her body close to the end of puberty. Aside from the new pieces, her body is physically the same as it was before becoming a Monster Girl, so she found that this solution was good for helping her feel like she thinks she should and for giving her a longer reach. She stands at 5 foot 2 and weighs 108 pounds. Her outfit is perhaps more skimpy than necessary for a Magical Girl. [hider=Undisguised] [img]http://img1.reactor.cc/pics/post/full/Makoto-Nanaya-Anime-Blazblue-%D0%98%D0%B3%D1%80%D1%8B-2200119.jpeg[/img] [img]http://i33.tinypic.com/2j3nmrs.jpg[/img] [img]https://8bitotaku.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/8a93f5645c5ee0d99839002169078500fb5ad563.png[/img] [/hider] [hider="Disguised"] [img]http://blazblue-am.jp/episode/img/ep08/004_l.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/23/76/66/237666ad110f2de6cc649b58327c32c8--character-poses-character-reference.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Actually Disguised] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/b6/34/ec/b634ec6b6567515a8567546c3764024b.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/84/64/ad/8464ad451507655cd26efbde13570813.jpg[/img] [/hider] Specialization: Time and Gravity (Slightly Weak to Illusion Magic) Weapon: Fist-type. [b]Impact[/b] - Two metal tonfas in the shape of crosses. Power: [b]Killing Blow[/b] - Planet Crusher Perks: - Martial Training: Already having been trained to expert levels in several martial arts, her knowledge and experience skyrocketed to a level above most martial arts masters of the modern age. - Enhanced Transformation: She does not revert to her normal form from her disguised form when unconscious or asleep. Her disguise is harder to detect, even through magic, and her abilities while disguised are higher than those of a normal disguised Monster Girl. - Awareness: Her already enhanced senses from becoming a Monster Girl are heightened even further. She is very difficult to surprise or ambush, and she can quickly notice if someone is failing to cast a shadow or reflection. Her already enhanced sense of smell is even stronger than that of other Monster Girls. - Big Damn Hero: She is able to designate a person or place by giving them a token she has personally made or mounting it in/on a permanent fixture. She is aware of any danger occurring or about to occur near that person or place so long as the token is intact. She is always alerted with enough notice to make it there just in the nick of time if she hurries. She can have up to two active tokens at a time, one person and one place. - Healing Artifact: A small amulet that converts mana into low-level Reinforcement magic, acting as a conduit to allow this in place of a natural Reinforcement Specialization. Emergency Start Perks: - Flexibility: She's not exactly made of rubber, but she has far greater range of motion in her limbs and joints than should be possible. - Gifted: She is capable of feats within her specializations that are dazzling, innovative, and impossible to replicate by regular Magical Girls. With two complimentary Specializations, this allows for things that can be very terrifying to consider. Gold Coin Perks: - Enhanced Sustenance: She only needs to sleep half as much to gain a whole night's rest and can subsist on starvation rations. She does not have any nutritional requirements and breathing is optional. - Eternal Style: Her body and clothing are always kept in pristine condition. Her hair never tangles or mats, teeth never rot, body hair is nonexistent, body odor is perfume-like, and her nails are always in perfect order, complimenting their sharpness. She can summon stylish outfits as often as she wants, but any clothing summoned this way vanishes 2 hours after she removes it. Monstrous Form: - Devourer Monstrous Motivation: She has the feeling of a void inside her that she must fill by altering fate. Acorns can help stave off this need, but not completely. - Nonstandard Limbs: Tail and Ears of a Squirrel - Second Specialization: Gravity - Redirected Magic: Her magic has greatly boosted her body's abilities. Monstrous Perks: - Prehensile Tail: Her tail is more useful than that of a regular squirrel. Her overall flexibility is increased, and she has the ability to grasp things and balance on her tail as if it were a normal human limb. Also quite good at "punching" people with it. - Bestial: She has the ears and tail of a squirrel, as well as enhanced senses closer to those of a squirrel than a human. - Lure: Her personality, ears, and tail all cause other people and Monster Girls to be naturally attracted to them. She will never have to be alone unless she chooses to be, even if she breaks taboos. Upon seeing her, almost everything more advanced than a monkey will instinctively want to pet her, become friends with her, and/or [b]touch fluffy tail[/b]. - True Sight: She has bestially enhanced eyes, granting her sight far better than that of a human. She can see in pitch black environments, through smoke, and through other environmental blinders with ease. It's also harder to escape from her if she's attempting to keep track of someone. - Void Touched: She is able to shift between realities, parallel universes, or shells of lost worlds. If she desires to, she can enter one of the many realms of dead possibilities at any time to see what would might have been. This is enhanced by her Specialization in Time Magic and her patron. Patron: Chronophantasma Causality Patron Benefits: Focused, Subtle, Hidden Death, Magical Overload Patron Drawbacks: Alien Mind, Formless, Empty Pockets, Monstrous Form, Rival Force (Chronophantasma Fate) Fighting Style: Head first and fist to fist. She occasionally throws in ranged attacks if she feels a need to. She tends to speed up her own movement and slow down her opponent's, while also increasing the gravitational pull of her fist and her target to increase the force of her attacks. Stats (Disguised): (Capped at 6) STR: 6 AGI: 6 VIT: 6 MAG: 5 LCK: 5 Stats (Normal): STR: 12 AGI: 11 VIT: 12 MAG: 6 LCK: 7 Personality: May is a silly, friendly, generally whimsical and energetic Monster Girl. She also appears to be somewhat scatter-brained, though this trait belies her true aptitude as a part time worker for the Ebon Mint and as an information broker. She cares deeply for her friends and cannot stand when they fight each other. She also has a serious side when it comes to her friends. History: In her hometown in Texas, there was a large group of monsters that suddenly attacked, attracted by a wandering Magical Girl who had stopped by. Most of the town hid in the local church in the hopes that they would be divinely protected. When the Magical Girl fought the waves of monsters, her usage of time magic brought Chronophantasma Fate to the scene. When she finally fell from exhaustion and died, Chronophantasma Causality appeared to May, hoping to take advantage of the situation and Fate being distracted by the death of a Time Specialization Magical Girl. It took possession of one of the other girls and approached May, who was being held back from running outside to try to help the girl, offering her the power to save the town. May instantly accepted, and has been travelling the country and other worlds doing odd jobs for other spirits and the Ebon Mint while altering fate on behalf of her patron. She settled down for a time in another state, where she befriended a young woman. The girl was approached by The Beacon and was convinced to join them, hoping to help Monster Girls become more accepted, though Makoto left after leaving a note to her explaining that she herself was one, and that when her friend returned as a part of The Beacon it would be better if Makoto wasn't there. She returned to wandering the world(s) and doing odd jobs after that brief respite. Incantation: (N/A) Additional Info: Secret~ [/hider] [hider=Patron] Type: Lesser Force Name: Chronophantasma Causality Personality: It is impossible to know this spirit's personality as it only communicates through instinctual urges to its agent. History: The conceptual spirit of Causality, an order of time spirit known as a Chronophantasma, this force has existed since the beginning of time. In order to prevent past problems and the possibility of its rival taking advantage of them, it only ever has one agent at a time. Its history is the history of all timelines and worlds. Resources: It only has one Monster Girl in its employ, Makoto. It "pays" her in power and abilities, giving her absurd magical talent and utility. Unfortunately, this is the only thing it can provide to its agent. Additional Info: Chronophantasmas Causality and Fate are constantly fighting and in flux. They can best be represented by Yin and Yang, each results in the other and needs the other to exist, yet they remain opposites vying for control eternally. [/hider] [/hider]