The words from Golem made Bear let out a little growl, and he turned to see what the hell he was tossing around. His eyes widened a little when he saw that it was a plasma grenade. Adrenaline rushed through him and his eyes narrowed as he dropped the gatling laser for the second time today, and threw his hand up. Whether it was practiced skill or just plain luck, he backhanded the grenade away from him and out of a window. Not even waiting for an explosion, the ebony clad giant had unholstered his plasma defender and had shot at Golem. The fact that he had been rushing the shot is the only reason he missed the giant, and even so it was just barely, the green plasma surging over the space just right of his head. The lack of an explosion was the only thing that caused him to give pause. With a huff, he lowered the pistol and shoved it back into his holster, and glared through the orange visor at Golem. Gently lifting up his gun, he quickly gave it a once over before allowing his attention to turn back to the man. With a tone that sounded much calmer than he felt, he simply said, "Do [i]not[/i] fuck around out here like that." Then he turned back towards the door, heading back towards the objective, as if nothing had happened. [i]Next time, I won't miss.[/i]