[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/IbEDpnY.png[/img] [color=CF5300][h3]Grimm Studies 1111101[/h3] [sub][@Suku][@Guess Who][@Awesomoman64][/sub][/color][/center][hr] Llyr turned to see a new face. So many people to talk to, all showing up at random! Good ol' Robbie, such a people magnet. The Faunus gave the newcomer a quick look-over before making an overly gracious bow before the two whom had just introduced themselves. [color=CF5300]"New friends indeed! Well met, Trad, Cian! I am Llyr. Llyr of the Seven Imaginary Seas! Llyr the Cephalopod of Destiny! Llyr the Faunus that'sreallygoodatcheeringpeopleup!"[/color] He let out a sharp bark of laughter, his hands on his hips in some proud, triumphant pose. He had introduced himself twice to Cian. Not that it bothered him. [color=CF5300]"Should you forget the name of this Squid, he will remind you! [b][i]TEN FOLD![/i][/b]"[/color] he exclaimed as he grabbed Cian's hand, putting his other on her waist like they were about to dance, moving her slightly away from the other two. And dance they did. He suddenly twirled her on the spot before leaning her back, his hand supporting her, their faces coming quite close to each other as he did this. He gave her a cheeky smirk before he brought the both of them back upright, letting her go as if nothing happened at all. How he managed to pull this off in such a small space would remain a mystery. Even to himself. He looked back over at Trad, his grin still as warm as ever, [color=CF5300]"I assume you're Robbie's partner? Friend? Spouse? Hypeman?"[/color] He questioned in a joking manner.