[center][h2]Corporal James Hunt|Vacation with Strings[/h2][/center] As the rest of the squad showed up, James sighed. "Overall, it's just not something that we can likely pull off. In any case, Squad Four, form up!" Once everyone was front and center, the Corporal stood at the front, looking at everyone. "Alright, so I only have a couple more things for you. One, don't raise hell if you can help it please. We're here on leave and I'm pretty sure hell raising will keep us from ever being allowed back in the city again. Second, try to be back by no later than 2300.I can't force you and I won't blame you for taking advantage of the free time we've been given, but sleep is still good for you." With one final look over everyone, James nods to himself and waves the squad off. "Alright, dismissed until the end of leave. Enjoy yourselves."