[hider=Alysse Blackwater] [h1][center]Alysse Blackwater | The Night Witch[/center][/h1] [h3][center](Ali, Aly, The Night Witch, Daughter of Darkness, The Black Widow, Leader of the Blackwater Coven)[/center][/h3] [h2][center]General description[/center][/h2] [center] [h3]Race[/h3] Ironteeth Witch [h3]Age[/h3] 137 years old [h3]Size[/h3] 5 foot 3 inches, 135 pounds [h3]Gender[/h3] Female [h3]Sexuality[/h3] Bisexual [h3]Religion[/h3] The Three-faced Goddess, or Maiden, Mother, Crone [h3]Job[/h3] Assassin and Scout [/center] [h2][center][b]Personality[/b][/center][/h2] [indent]Alysse is a calm and collected Ironteeth Witch. Leader of the Blackwater coven she fought and bled for her rank in the coven and still bleeds for the lands and rights of her sisters. She is however a vain creature, assured of her beauty and elegance be that on the battlefield or the circles of the up and coming folk. She constantly pursues information, wanting to know everything about everyone and twisting it to her use. Proud of her lot in life she desires only to continue rising in the world. To let all know and fear the Ironteeth Witches. But she is not without her problems. Namely her fear of falling in love, something she deems as foolish and a waste of time. Or worse, being bound in some bargain. Something she has dance about for over a century. Though, she has her softer moments within her inner sanctuary. Enjoying the simple pleasures of life she has fought and killed for. She is polite and respectful of strength, though she schemes constantly to see them beneath her behind her smiling mask.[/indent] [h2][center][b]Biography[/b][/center][/h2] [indent]Born into a coven far to the North, she migrated south with her sisters shortly after they left their mothers covens' as adults. Gathering in the skies and forming bonds as they fought for alliances and to form the more powerful covens. Alysse rose with her coven sister and bested them all. Claiming the leadership position for herself as she bullied and drove them South to richer territory of great unknown. A terrifying thing for the young Blackwater, but necessary. New lands meant better resources and that meant a potential for more Witchlings and a stronger coven. Alysse doesn't really remember her mother as anything other than a teacher. Showing her how to fight, to make men scream and reveal petty secrets. She was taught magics and how to ride the winds from her mother and the Coven where she was born. But upon reaching the age of adult she was driven out and cast to the skies with only her clothes, weapon and broom. Which was perfectly find with Alysse. She flew and found her Lieutenants and other Witches. Killing traitors and firmly establishing her dominance and gaining the loyalty of her Coven. They saved each other's lives and flew South. There in the Northern Reaches of Camelot Alysse established her home and terrorized villages into paying tribute of goods and people. Her sisters and her forming caverns in the mountains. Creating a home in the snow capped mountains. Coming out to raid the countryside and spread their influence. They did not keep servants for their ease however. Servants would be a risk to their home and the Blackwater coven do not wish to trust humans with their treasures. It was when they were firmly established and had their luxuries in a goodly amount. Be that furs, silks, men/women, metals, gems or what they willed. When Alysse was approached by a agent of Lancelot. Or rather one of her sisters were. They brought the messenger to her and they got their fun from both message and delivery man. The latter was not harmed and sent on his way with gifts and many fond memories of his time with the Ironteeth witches. He also bore the agreement of the Leader of the Blackwater to join with this organization. So long as a room was kept free with all the leader desired- within reason of course, and the coven would be well paid for their aid.[/indent] [hider=My Hider] [h2][center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/0a/77/dd/0a77dd86a502034fa496c301ecf29367.jpg[/img][/center][/h2] [center] (Picture of Character. If more then one form or picture, make new hiders and center each picture. Each picture gets a description)[/center] [indent] Pale skinned with modest curves in the right places. Alysse's body bears the scars of her past as a Ironteeth witch and fighter. As does her nose, fitted to a beak after it had been broke once before. But for all the muscle tone she has developed and kept over the years, from running from those who would want her dead, there are many who see only a innocent defenseless women. Arched brows are over her slanted yellow eyes. Her high cheek bones and pointed chin are remarked by many to be cat-like. Alysse wears her moon silver hair to her knees when it's loose. Beading the two strands by her face with feathers, beads, or small gems. Though if she expects the need to be mobile she braids it back. Generally she wears a set of tight breeches under robes that are held tight to her body and set flowing about her arms and legs. With firm boots or soft sandals. When not wearing her robes, and she only goes without them when she's in her home surrounded by her wards, she will shed them for a tight bodice. She keeps pouches in her robes for her possessions. She also wears a medallion of a silver moon with a tear drop of aquamarine stone in the center.[/indent] [/hider] [h2][center][b]Traits and Equipment[/b][/center][/h2] [hider=Race Description] [indent]Ironteeth witches looks human, act human, but they are far from human. With retractable iron teeth and claws (Though it looks like and is regarded as iron it's a tough silver alloy in actuality), they are vicious in defense of their covens. But their physicals weapons are not the only ones they have. Their magic is born of darkness, the night and blood- theirs or others. They cannot wield healing magics or any of the light. They can fly with their iron brooms, and using their second eyelid (A clear lid) to see through the cutting wind. But for all their power they suffer a low birthrate of only females, and a vicious battle for territory and hierarchy. Covens, however are fiercely loyal to each other, and the two Lieutenants under the Leader are her [the leader's] eternal sentries. However for all their viciousness, no witch would harm another pregnant witch, unborn babe, or child beneath the age of adulthood Their birthrate is far too low to risk loosing more young life, never mind if it would be friend or foe. For one to break that would mean all covens would have a kill-on-sight on the offender. A very long and painful kill on sight. The only benefit against this is their apparent immortality. Though that simply be because no witch could have reached that age as of yet. Their opinion of others is simple. They want land, territory and victims to have the resources they want and need. As they eat only meat, of any type. Often they will mate with any sort of male, so long as the particular witch fancies them. The child will still be born a Ironteeth witch, the appearance will vary sometimes however.[/indent] [/hider] [hider=Curse/Power Description] [indent](Only for those with unique abilities, powers, or curses outside of racial traits)[/indent] [/hider] [hider=Spell list] (only for those who can cast spells.) [list] [*] [b]Winnowing[/b] [indent][i]Moving through the shadows in a type of teleportation magic. It allows one to move through walls and over gaps but requires the same amount of effort as walking or running there. A bit more if through a wall or across a gap. However should a witch misstep, they will get stuck or fall.[/i][/indent] [*] [b]Scrying[/b] [indent][i]Using a black mirror, prepared with the correct runes. A witch may scry the past, present and future. It's not very reliable. Though it sometimes turns up gems of use. Blood Scrying however is more useful. But one must have the blood, full name and personal object of the person to Scry them.[/i][/indent] [*] [b]Whispering[/b] [indent][i]Much like the Scrying spell. The Whispering requires earrings prepared with runes and blood, then casted over. They allow hearing and speaking between two people. However the words must be said out loud in a whisper at the least.[/i][/indent] [*] [b]Shadow Blending[/b] [indent][i]A spell to blend with the shadows, there must be no bold colors (or silver white hair showing). The wielder must be in shadow, or a darken area. It's essentially a form of Winnowing while staying in the same place and holding the form. Sneezing and such would break the spell.[/i][/indent] [*] [b]Blood Binding[/b] [indent][i]Binding servants, lovers, or coven members to another with a blood pact. Once sworn both must uphold their ends.[/i][/indent] [*] [b]Shadow bolt[/b] [indent][i]Throwing a dagger-, or spear-like bolt of shadow. Which would act much the same as spear or dagger.[/i][/indent] [*] [b]Shade Syght[/b] [indent][i]A combination of Winnowing and Scrying. It allows one to converse over a long distance at length with another, but it costs a good amount of energy. If that energy isn't pulled from the blood of others.[/i][/indent] [*] [b]Sacrificing[/b] [indent][i]Sacrificing a being's blood to convert it into magical energy. However it really is only useful for large spells and even there requires a goodly numbers of sacrifices, usually taking the sacrifice's life.[/i][/indent] [*] [b]Oblivion[/b] [indent][i]A final move. A death spell. It sends out a powerful magical blast with kills the witch that casts it. Many will not use it for it is said that those that do cease to exist and never join the Goddess in Her Realm or to join with the ancestral matriarchs. It takes true desperation to use it, and even then most would rather not due to the mentality of an Ironteeth Witch.[/i][/indent] [/list] [/hider] [hider=Strengths/Skills/Talents] [list] [*][b]Alchemy[/b] [indent] The brewing of potions to aid in spells, poisons, and oils for one's beauty. They are women after all.[/indent] [*][b]Close quarters Combat[/b] [indent] Combat with their silver claws and silver teeth. The silver is her kind's best weapon and greatest weakness. [/indent] [*][b]Seduction[/b] [indent] A beautiful woman, she knows how to use her assets to learn information and weasel her way though a world lead by a King.[/indent] [*][b]Courtly Manners[/b] [indent] Understanding the etiquette of the Court and those within it. A ability to move about those social circles.[/indent] [*][b]Intrigue[/b] [indent] She understands the world of spies and lies. The art of the underworld and who dwells within it.[/indent] [*][b]Torture[/b] [indent] A favorite past time for the Ironteeth witches, Alysse was taught torture from her mother's knee as they raided villages and 'played' with the inhabitants.[/indent] [/list] [/hider] [hider=Weaknesses] [list] [*][b]Lack of Strenght[/b] [indent] Shorter, Alysse relies on her speed and thus her claws. Leaving deep gashes via speed and surprise rather than brute force. She also can't take a heavey blow.[/indent] [*][b]Silvert[/b] [indent] With the exception of their own silver alloy claws, silver is a grave injury to the Ironteeth witches. It also can weaken their magic. Much to Alysse's disdain as she is fond of the metal's look.[/indent] [*][b]Love and affection[/b] [indent]Ironteeth witches cannot feel love, or so they like to believe. They are strong, cold, brutal. Denying affections outside of their coven members and childern. But should one fall into love it is deemed a weakness and they banish weaknesses. Alysse is no different and frowns on love. Lacking the understanding of how such emotions work.[/indent] [*][b]Being kept from the Skies[/b] [indent] Alysse cannot bear to be kept a prisoner from the open skies and her ability to fly where she is wont to.[/indent] [*][b]Holy water[/b] [indent] The Ironteeth witches cannot abide holy water, which is like a poison to them. Small amounts can be ingested to build up a tolerance but it lames the witch in bed for weeks.[/indent] [*][b]The Unknown[/b] [indent] Alysse is terrified of the unknown. With the unknown, be it area or opponent. You do not know the strengths nor the weaknesses and thus are vurnable. [/indent] [*][b]Witchlings[/b] [indent] No Ironteeth witch will harm a witchling or bring harm to a witchling. The worst nightmare of any witch is their children or potential children being at risk. To lose the ability to bear children.[/indent] [*][b]Arrogance[/b] [indent] Alysse can be arrogant at times and full of herself. Sometimes it can wind herself in trouble. Especially if she thinks herself to have the upper hand.[/indent] [*][b]Swordfighting[/b] [indent] Alysse always struggled with the sword. Preferring to use her long iron nails.[/indent] [*][b]Sunlight[/b] [indent] Bright light annoys their sense to being disoriented. Blind and in pain from the burns it causes.[/indent] [/list] [/hider] [hider=Equipment] [list] [*][b]The Blackwater Coven[/b] [indent] The Blackwater Coven is made up of thirteen Ironteeth witches. All holding the last name Blackwater, same as their leader. Essentially they act like a mercenary baron over a territory and are just as ruthless. Their members, in ranking order of highest to lowest are as follows: Alysse, Mina, Clio, Lorelei, Anise, Serrafina, Eowen, Norae, Dorae, Ginevra, Ingrid, Adisa, Astrid. [/indent] [*][b]Bastard Sword[/b] [indent] A hand and a half bastard sword, typical of a Ironteeth witch.[/indent] [*][b]Flying leathers[/b] [indent] Thick leather made for warmth as well as armor while high in the skies. There is a skin of metal sewn into the leather. Light and thin, it can't take a heavy blow, but it can deflect claws and more glancing blows. Giving bruises instead of deep gashes.[/indent] [*][b]Cloak[/b] [indent] A cloak of deep ashen grey, with clasps to hold it tight about a witches' body. The hoods have a slight peek to help keep them up in the wind and rain.[/indent] [*][b]A black mirror[/b] [indent] A blackened hand mirror used for Scrying.[/indent] [/list] [/hider] [hider=Artifact] [h2][center][b]Soul-Stealer[/b][/center][/h2] [center][img]http://www.medievalcollectibles.com/images/Product/large/MC-HK-9947.png[/img][/center] [indent]A plain looking dagger made of silver. An enchanted silver dagger that can absorb any one soul it slays. The user may choose to discard this soul at any time, but so long as the dagger has the soul, it can summon the imprisoned soul under her command as a physical spirit; akin to what the prisoner was like in life. The artifact can only hold one soul, and it of course doesn't apply to enemies that are soulless.[/indent] [/hider] [h2][center][b]Relationships[/b][/center][/h2] (optional. Unless if you have predefined relationships with other accepted characters that were discussed by both parties, keep this blank and add to it as the IC progresses, giving a brief description have how your character feels about the other characters he/she interacts with.) [h2][center][b]Other[/b][/center][/h2] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fs8RUFS18g0[/url] [/hider]