The ship was called the Ocean’s Whore. It wasn’t a particularly beautiful name, but it wasn’t a particularly beautiful ship either. The massive vessel had seen some good days, but most had not been so kind to her, largely due to the black flag that waved high with the wind…or rather, the captain who had adorned the ship with such a flag in the first place. It was late afternoon, and had been a difficult trip for Kamron, but he had made it to the ship, and spoke to the captain, as he had been instructed. The arrangements were settled. He had a map with the position marked where the ship would be waiting. Once he had his cargo, he would take a skiff from the docks to the ship. They would provide him transport, no questions asked. It was the best deal he could get, and though the price was steep, it was necessary. The once-small-time thief left the pier, and went back to the horse he had commandeered from a man too drunk to notice a few days before. He would ride to the castle, get the princess, and then bring her to the group who had tried to destroy his life. The Midnight Society, usually just called the Society, demanded the girl, and while Kamron would have never taken a job this big, he was out of options. They had some sort of magic, or religious text, he didn’t know. In any case, he was sick, and he was going to get worse until he delivered the girl. He had been stupid enough to wait a few days already, doubting that it was real. But already his hair was beginning to thin, and this think black vine was beginning to appear on the skin of his chest, spiraling out slowly, every day stretching further across his body. Soon, he would truly look like a monster. The man made his way to the castle, and paid off a servant for information on when the princess would be coming and going. Ideally, he could catch her outside of the castle, because going inside of the place and getting back out again would be incredibly difficult. However, if there was no information provided that helped him to catch her outside and largely unguarded, then he would simply have to slip in as a servant and try his luck at that. Kamron didn’t know much at all about the princess. He knew that there was a younger brother, heir to the throne, and that she was around marrying age. He was pretty sure he would recognize her by her clothing, but he knew also that she was fair skinned and blonde...though that was about it.