[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/M5I1dzL.png[/img][/center] [center][h2][color=00a651][u] [color=white]❀[/color] [b]Lucille[/b] [color=white]❀[/color] [/u] [color=00a651][sup][sup][i]Current [color=white]Location:[/color] The Oblivion Dungeon[/i][/sup][/sup][/color] [img] http://i.imgur.com/PnI7uMI.png [/img][/color][/h2][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/lTp4vLk.png[/img][/center] The Oblivion Dungeon may have been turned into a mine field of erasing memory, but if one stayed true to their heart, as varied as it was, then they would no doubt find the way to the object they were looking for. Such was the case for Luci; through twists and turns of corridors, a room of mangled meaning would be what she stumbled upon. Mirrors lined the room on either side, all of them broken with their shattered remains staining the ground where she walked. In the middle of such a mess was a fuming Black Goat stomping gleefully into...something. It was loud and made squishing noises, indicating it might have once been flesh and bone. Whatever it was, it was most certainly dead by this point, Lucille manically ensuring it would never get up. [color=00a651]"Try to look like me and mess with my head? You don't know a [i]thing[/i] about me,"[/color] she said with bubbling vitriol, her boots taking on a new layer of fresh red and green. Luci took in a scene that was actually fairly typical for her household, though it was her mother's words more then her actions that confirmed her concerns were well founded. It was a small consolation prize she came after the fight had already been tipped into the real Lucille's favor. [color=lightgreen]"Momma!"[/color] She cried out and ran, throwing her arms around the Black Goat's waist as her head pressed against her blood stained blouse. [color=lightgreen]"You have to stop. She isn't real, and this dungeon is just messing with everyone's heads! You don't need to hurt yourself here anymore."[/color] Lucille's body seemed to pause when embraced by the smaller salad-head and she looked down to see who was grabbing at her. In Luci's good favor, she turned her attentions away from the viling slop of green and red in front of her, the liquid sunking away into the cracks of the floor. Still, that was just one enemy taken care of and Lucille looked down at the slime girl with no amusement in her gaze. [color=00a651]"And who are you?"[/color] [color=lightgreen]"Huh? What..."[/color] The slime blinked, momentarily not comprehending what she'd heard. It was just momma being silly and teasing her, right? Sure she could be a sour puss and maybe give her a rough time, but Momma usually had better timing with her jokes then this.Her head craned up and she waited with baited breath for the punchline, yet there seemed to be no humor on Lucille's face. Her grip faltered and Luci found herself taking a step back, looking over the Queen of Hell with expression faltering between disbelief and heartbreak. [color=lightgreen]"It's me...Luci, your daughter. You can't have forgotten so soon. No, no no, Momma wouldn't be beaten by this dungeon like that! Tell me you're joking, and that this is all just a gag. Please..."[/color] [color=00a651]"I have numerous children. What makes you so special,"[/color] Lucille asked plainly, her expression of neutrality not changing. Yet she wasn't raising her blood-stained parasol on Luci either. As if sensing there was no need to, she continued to stare down the younger-looking version of herself...wait a minute. [color=00a651]"And why are you dressed like me. What are you, some kind of fan? Or maybe you think it's funny to make fun of the Black Goat,"[/color] she said, slowly raising her parasol up. [color=00a651]"You should know naughty children wind up dead at the doorstep little girl...."[/color] [color=lightgreen]"I'm not- Grr, damn it Momma, you aren't listening!"[/color] She growled as the Black Goat raised her parasol with an air of menace, the death knell to her lessers. Her hands curled into fists and she glowered back, undaunted even in the face of vicious reprisal. [color=lightgreen]"This dungeon is messing with your head and you are going to do something we'll both regret if you don't trust me here, Momma. Put down the parasol before I have to take it from you for your own good." [/color] Lucille did no such thing, her signature weapon of choice held high for the initial strike. But her arms didn't move to commit to the action and she was left still staring down at the glowering miniature version of her. [color=00a651]"For a child, you're awfully defiant. Whoever your mother is, they need to teach you some manners,"[/color] she said, slowly setting her parasol back to her side. [color=00a651]"You speak as if you know this place, the Oblivion Dungeon. If that's the case, why are you here. Only beings tempted with objects of desire are led astray in this place."[/color] While Lucille backed down Luci threw her hands into the air with a noise of frustration, only to cross them across her flat chest and eye Lucille a bit less testily. [color=lightgreen]"How can you know about this place yet not realize it's affecting you?! Grr, never mind. I'm here for you, not what that stupid, stupid, stupid vampire is offering everyone here."[/color] Her foot tapped at the wet stone floor idly, nerves frayed by the discomfort of the situation so soon after her own encounter with the dungeon's illusions. [color=lightgreen]"And for the record, I've been taught manners. It's just been a long day and you're the cherry on the cake."[/color] Luci grumbled, gaze flickering down to the mangled remnants of a corpse beneath Lucille. [color=lightgreen]"If I had your self-loathing I'd be hitting myself too."[/color] The Black Goat stared for the longest time, more perplexed than anything by the attitude of this slime girl; although her expression didn't reveal it. Before she could try to make more sense of the situation however, Lucille found her body to be fading out of sight and out of sound. The same sort of phenomenon seemed to be happening to Luci as well. [color=00a651]"Someone wants us for an audience. If you're going to stick around, you might as well stay behind me,"[/color] Lucille said, putting herself between the slime girl and whatever would manifest in the next spot they teleported to. What said spot was looked to be an arena of old with the one who had started it all stood high above the rest of them...them? Lucille looked around to see the remaining forces of this battle all gathered in this one place, including her own forces of Hell; assuming they were still loyal to the demonic cause. Furthermore, her head felt much lighter now that they were gone from the mass mirror room. [color=00a651]"Yes, do enlighten us about this grand truth of yours vampire,"[/color] Lucille called out, already getting annoyed at the pompous attitude. She didn't need to state what she was fighting for; it was clearly seen in her actions. [color=lightgreen]"As much as I enjoy watching you work, I [i]really[/i] need to hit that vampire."[/color] The slime girl seethed and stepped out from Lucille's shadow, grinding a tiny fist against an open palm from beside her mother. [color=lightgreen]"Come on, get on with the monologue so I can melt you into a puddle and stuff you into a blender!"[/color]