Steve Miller - The Gun Shop “Sounds like a terrible experience", James said, "I’m not sure I would have been brave enough to take to the sea like that after so many years of fancy vertibirds.”, he chuckled a little, pushing away the bittersweet memory of the past. “Where are you from originally? You seem a little familiar.” "I was born in Megaton", Steve replied, "But grew up in Rivet City. Was in a caravan with my dad...but our little caravan stumbled into the middle of a fight between the Brotherhood, or at least the ones calling themselves Outcasts back then, and the Enclave near the Ft Detrick crater....God only knows what they wanted there, the Chinese hit whatever the pace was so hard that even ghouls can't go in that crater without turning feral. Dad didn't make it out, and we lost the cargo so the caravan went bust. I had nothing keeping me in the Capital Wasteland anymore, so I went down to Baltimore and used my experience on repair crews in Rivet City and signed onto a ship...been at it ever since. “I already have Shark, Bear, and Talon”, he said as he gestured at the weapons on him. “But we lack armor unless this shop has some, or we get to the vertibird tonight. Also I'll standby to help you get the tracker up and running.” He squinted out a cracked window at the setting sun. “I’m not sure we have much time for anything if we don’t start preparing now. And I’m sure going outside the wall at night will be a bit more dangerous than day time.” "You're right", Steve observed, "we need to get this done soon if we're going to have time to make the trip and back before it gets too late. He flipped the light on over the workbench, and once Corrine unlocked the chest he removed a screw driver set, the multi-meter, and rummaged around until he found a soldering iron, which he set aside for a moment. "Corrine", Steve asked, "Is there a working ham radio in town? If so, could you borrrow it and bring it here? It'll help test this device." Steve turned his attention to the device, and carefully removed the screws and placed them in a small container he found on Corrine's shelf. He then slowly opened the casing and examined the contents. It was powered by a MFC, and a decal of the circuitry diagram had helpfully been placed inside the back cover. Testing with the multimeter indicated the circuit was good, as was the MFC.....yet there was no power. Steve looked closer at the power switch, and found the problem, the contacts on the back of it had been snapped off by the impact. The switch was ruined, but jury-rigging a replacement would be simple enough....all that was needed was another that was about the same size. He carefully removed the switch. "We need a replacement for this, James", he said as he showed him the switch. "it's broken but any switch about this size will work in it's place. Other than that it should still least as long as it doesn't take another blow like that one again." He then began rummaging around in the various bins and boxes on Corrine's shelf, and gestured for James to join him. "I forgot to ask", Steve said, "What frequency is this device set to detect?"