[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Pc0JpRT.png[/img][/center] [b]”I can use my magic to restore you to your own body."[/b] Erin chuckled and then gave a sniffle. [color=ed1c24]"It's not that easy, fairy. Don't you think I -[i]we[/i]- have tried that before? Besides, it was of my own doing...."[/color] She continued to look at Julie, watching her chest rise and fall with every breath. It was nice to look at Julie through the outside for once instead of from Julie's perspective. She was distracted by Julie's beauty that she didn't notice Cienna right next to her until she spoke. [b]"What does this mean?”[/b] Unwillingly, the demon turned her attention from Julie's pale face to Cienna's outstretched arm. She could see her name in the language of demons on the wrist, glowing. She wondered what the fairy was on about until she remembered her blind condition. [color=ed1c24]"It's my name, in Abyssal,"[/color] she stated. [color=ed1c24]"Underneath that is Jules'. If Jules were in control, then my name would be shadowed under hers."[/color] [b]”Can you… Can you tell me… your story…"[/b] the Dark fairy now said, and Erin looked at her once more with interest. It seemed every time they encountered each other, Erin was interested in this fairy. She chuckled again, wiping at the remaining tears on her face. She stared at Cienna for a moment, drinking her in. She turned back to Julie and looked at her face as if thinking about long ago. Giving a sigh, she spoke. [color=ed1c24]"If you have the time, the patience, and the skills. I know that Jules and I do. We have all the time in the universe. In telling you [i]my[/i] story I must also tell [i]Jules'[/i] story, which then turns into [i]ours[/i]."[/color] She turned back once more to Cienna, wondering why one would be so interested in not just Julie but [i]her[/i] as well.