[center][h3][color=pink]Askia[/color] & [color=red]Koan[/color][/h3][/center] After her draconic amiga made a dramatic exit, [i]stage left[/i] out of the spree, the Kor woman calmly cooed another offer. [color=red]“If you ever are feeling lonely, please do seek me out. We don’t even half to use a brooch or any other magical bauble. We can just have fun, just the two of us.”[/color] Her grin widened as sharky as the feminine merfolk had initially when the previous parley commenced. She waved to the married guard. [color=red]“I doubt he and his spouse would venture down that slippery road with us, though.” [/color] More teeth began to emerge, performing a dance of a can-can as the faux Kor rapidly changed the subject, ignoring social tact and frontal lobe inhibitions. [color=red]“Speaking of alleys. Rumors say we can find explosives nearby. Uh… and any needed permits. My friends and I want to go mining after we leave this wonderful village of yours.”[/color] Madame Bodot shook her head vehemently. [b]“I have nothing to do with explosives,”[/b] she replied. [b]“I create art; I do not destroy needlessly. You shall have to search elsewhere.”[/b] With that response, she ushered them onward, closing the door behind them. [color=red]“Okay. Okay. Jeez. I promise to work out the kinks better, next time, if we meet again.”[/color] Sampling her surrounding, the dastardly mime witnessed Askia, flopping, gracefully, away from the boutique. [color=red]“Hey, wait up!”[/color] The women had become a pair, in the clown’s mind. Girls had to stick together, ya know. [i]Or each other.[/i] Whichever the moment spurred. The jester had always aspired that the latter would manifest between another crew member. This Kobold was freaking hot, despite the lack of steam following the shadows her beautiful tail would cast as it snaked through the coral city. [color=red]“Hey. I’m yelling at you!”[/color] Pleading with her faster friend, the white warrior attempted any means to catch up. [color=red]“Why do you need memories?”[/color] Askia stopped her movements upon realizing that she had left Koan behind, plus the question that had been asked of her. She shook her head lightly, before her wisdom was shown once more to the jester, [color=pink]”I have lost too many good memories to the bad ones, I am trying my best to conserve the memories I make in the future. No more shall be lost, I hope.”[/color] With that her normal smile came back to her, craning her neck in the direction she had blindly been going in. A few blinks came to her as she had figured out she had no clue what she was doing, probably subconsciously going to find Hana, though she had to stay with her new gal pal in a foreign land. [color=pink]”Now, since I took up most of your time, I'll allow you to take up mine. Any clue on what you want to do?”[/color] The Kobold asked before a mischievous grin riddled her face, [color=pink]”Is it naughty?”[/color] [color=red]“Uh... Yes. I want to blow things up. Don’t you?”[/color] Sound effects and a simultaneous gesture combined with each hand. [color=red]“Boom!”[/color] She spewed half serious and half mockingly. [color=red]“I’m not sure who’s telling the truth. Wolfy or this Marid. But I love to be prepared.”[/color] After the volcanic charade, the clown hesitated. Where would they be able to find such a venue? Moreover, how could they guarantee the product would work and even underwater? She scoffed such agonizing reflections. [color=red]“Wanna help me look? I believe it’s down there.” [/color] The floundering white blob bolted, leading the duo into darker waters via tunnel. Askia had little choice but to tag along, not wanting to be rude and just abandon her new friend to the will of these dastardly tunnels. [color=pink]”Not the kind of naughty I had in mind, but it’ll still be fun!”[/color] The Kobold began to aid in the search of this fabled explosives store, wanting to encourage Koan’s strange desire and overall just have a fun time with the whole ridiculousness of the situation. [color=red]“Let me know if you see anything while we go down further into sketchyville.”[/color] The blanche geisha trekked frantically through the tunnels, randomly selecting a burrow whenever a fork appeared. The channels delved further and further below, dancing lights erupted ahead of the pair with white light, illuminating the path. The duo wandered throughout the unknown tunnels, seemingly not really knowing where they were going as they delved deeper. An hour passed before they arrived anywhere remotely resembling what they were searching for. An elderly water genasi sat on what could only be described as the merfolk version of a veranda, a dozen rifles lined up on the porch next to him. As Koan and Askia swam into view, the man picked up one of the rifles and pointed it in their general direction. [b]“Hey, now! Who dun taught ye ta sneak up on an ol’ fish? State yer bizniss, ya hear?!”[/b] The jester harvested the totality of the sight before her, allowing her vision to accommodate for the arsenal jousted directly in their vicinity. [color=red]“Didn’t mean to sneak up on ya. Well, mister, we are a huntin’ for some help. We are not sure if we’re lost or not, but we heard word that this is the place to be for munitions, ya know, for excavating some mines.”[/color] Her diamond tongue stud sparkled pirouetting lights. [color=red]“Can you help us?”[/color] Askia swam up to the jester’s height and leaned so that she could whisper into her ear, [color=pink]”I don't like the sound of this guy, nor the guns, especially not the guns.”[/color] The Kobold stayed close to Koan for a few seconds before returning to her original position next to her companion, tail flicking back and forth as Askia attempted to analyze the situation. [b]“Hold up!”[/b] the old merfolk called out before swimming up to Koan, one eye protruding out further than one would expect feasible as he searched into her very soul. [b]“Didja say you were blowin’ up some mines, eh? Why you done come to the right place! Unless yer a filthy copper. If ye are, then GIT OFF MAH LAWN!!”[/b] The barrel of the gun found itself directly under Koan’s chin as the eye searched over the kor-like clown, waiting for her next move. [color=red]“Lawn? I thought that was just seaweed. Where are my manners? And do I look like the police with this vibrant skin? If was going to be inconspicuous I wouldn’t be wearing the colors of a great white.”[/color] She gently raised her left palm attempting to maneuver both chambers away from her money maker, the face riddled with grids and labyrinthine graffiti. [color=red]“And, to answer your question, yes, we’re looking for some ‘splosives. Shoveling always becomes a lot easier with dynamite.”[/color] [b]“Hrmm... yeh look like yer on the straight ‘n narrow... Come along this away.”[/b] The geezer headed back towards the hole in the wall he called a home and tossed the rifle haphazardly on the porch, at which time a loud explosion could be heard as the gun fired, its bullet ricocheting around the small cavern they were in. The man seemed to either not hear or not care about the danger as he simply swam through his doorway before the bullet finally embedded itself into the wall about seven inches from Askia’s head. [b]“So? What are ye waitin’ fer?”[/b] he called back to them. Askia let out a shrill cry as she ducked to avoid being hit by the ricocheting bullet only to have it land right next to her. Needless to say, the Kobold was little more than scared for her life and she was about to make herself heard on that notion. [color=pink]”Asshole! You almost killed me!”[/color] the little dragonic being roared, her fist firmly clenched in front of her as anger filled every fiber of her being. [color=red]“Don’t get you knickers in a twist, Askia!”[/color] The shapeshifting comedian yelled. [color=red]“This fine gentleman is hosting us in his home.”[/color] Her scarlet eyes scoured the interior of the small cavern, to note the idiosyncrasies of the elder, ingesting the mannerisms of his gait, his strewn out belongings and the nature of his abode’s layout. The Feng-shui of this whole crevice spoke volumes that this decrepit underwater arms dealer, odds were, was likely to aid in Koan’s endeavor in securing at least some gunpowder. [color=red]“Now, sirree, what are we gonna be lookin’ at?”[/color] The clown blindly followed the almost deaf, senior citizen, of what appeared to be the outskirts of Merish village. As they entered the abode, the pair began to understand why the merfolk preferred to spend his time outside his house. The interior was full of a muddy substance, making it hard to see or even breathe despite their amphibious abilities. Various half-complete works of mechanical prowess lined the walls, surrounded by clear containers packed to the brim with a black substance. One of these containers was half-empty, and the lid lay on the side of the barrel, but a pocket of air had formed over the top of the container, keeping the contents dry. [b]“Now...”[/b] the old man said, turning to face them and squinting through the darkness in the water, [b]“what are ye lookin’ fer? I’m sure I can accommodate.”[/b] [color=red]“Ummm…. Things that go.”[/color] The dramatic pause awkwardly occurred, due to filth her lungs were battling with intermittent coughs and gasps. The filmic gravel obstructed her voice for a moment, only to rebound in a crescendo of hacks. [color=red]“POW! [i]Cough.[/i] The more powerful, the better. However, size does matter.”[/color] She cleared her throat as she eyed down the ancient silhouette, to discern if pleasure still mattered in this man's grand scheme of bargains. [color=red]“So…. What are in those barrels?” She pointed, more out of curiosity, allowing her innocence to overcome her tact, as she swam a short distance towards it.[/color] A twinkle shone in the merfolk’s eye as he replied. [b] “Things... that go POW,”[/b] he replied, grinning and showing his three teeth. [b]“Blackpowder, it is! All the powder I could snap up! Been storin’ this for nigh on a year now! So, I’ve got the boom, but what are ye tradin’?”[/b] [color=red]“Whatever your lub-dub desires!”[/color] The apparition-like customer swayed away from the drums adorned with the pockets of air, slowly swinging her hips, eventually breaching the bubble of personal space that subconsciously surrounded the edentulous solicitor. [color=red]“Or can handle!”[/color] She caressed the scalp of the senior, tracing her fingers behind his ear, finally squeezing his left shoulder, playfully. A giggle erupted, teasing the peddler with her suggestive services. Askia watched the exchange for the most part with mild indifference before watching her hips sway towards the seller, jealousy coming over the small creature. The Kobold grit her teeth before looking away, seeing another one of those barrels of powder. Using her mind, the barrel began to subtly move back and forth before it tipped over and hit the ground with a loud [i]thunk[/i], blackened contents spilling onto the ground in a mystic's slight jealous rage. [color=pink]”Oh, do things constantly tip over in here?,”[/color] she asked in a rather snarky tone, her eyes flicking to the two for a moment. The powder spilled out, filling the entire room with a thick oily cloud. Even without being able to see, Askia could feel the ire boiling from the old man. “[b]Out! Git on outta here! That barrel cost me a thousand gold, ya numbnuts!”[/b] From the black cloud came a swat from a broom, barely missing Askia. [b]“OUUUUT!”[/b] he howled. Askia’s look of indifference did not falter nor would it cease in the incoming moments, not really caring about what the old man thought about her. [color=pink]”Old man, you are barking at a being that could choke hold you without touching you. I’ll respect your shop for the time being, but if I hear anything… suggestive, then you can imagine I'll be knocking over more than a few barrels,”[/color] the mystic threatened before turning and exiting the shop in a nonchalant fashion. Once out, the sultry geisha gawked at the kobold. She was jealous. [color=red]“Perfect,”[/color] she whispered audibly to herself. The tables had finally turned. Askia initially appeared to be the one who plays-hard-to-get kind of girl, but now, it was evident that she was in the palm of the clown’s hand; her emotions to be tugged and juggled soon, by the towering white Kor woman. This was much better than purchasing the now abandoned volatile residue. More profitable than discovering a gold mine strapped to a lizard. The jester would have to be very careful, though, so as not to spite nor hurt, despite her masochistic adoration for bondage mixed in with some spirited asphyxiation. This draconic mystic may be more dangerous than Dyn’s tentacles. [color=red]“So… that codger was pretty mean, huh? He didn’t even want to play with us.”[/color] Before the duo got far, Koan noticed a thin wire stretching vertically from the floor to ceiling in the middle of the lawn. Before she could say anything, Askia had stumbled right into it, setting off an explosion and knocking her into the ceiling, dealing [b]17[/b] fire damage. Before either could react, the “codger” burst from the home and picked up one of his guns. “Ye knock over me powder, trip up one of me mines, and still have the gall to insult me?” The first bullet flew past, landing only mere inches from the ricocheted bullet from before, but the second found its mark (for [b]12[/b] damage). [b]“Git back here an fight like ya mean it!”[/b] [color=red]“OH SHIT!!!”[/color] The gears of war began to churn as the horrified Koan sprouted healing lactation from her blanche bosom, not exactly a milky potion in motion, but able to cure some ills, with her skills (for 16 HP). “Sir, please, we didn’t mean anything by it. JK. This is all a big misunderstanding.” The comical climber issued this apology as she deftly dodged and dashed between two trip wires, quickly sweeping to the side of the house, as far as she could muster from the angry merbilly’s line of sight. Askia reeled from the shock of the explosion and the feeling of an explosion going through her shoulder, a mixed face of anger and pain coming to her. Instinctively, she turned and raised her hands to grasp the merfolk with the power of her mind and to her satisfaction it worked. [color=pink]”Congratulations, you earned yourself a one way trip to death. Hope you’re proud of yourself, fool,”[/color] the Kobold growled, threatening to close her fist and crush the old fool. [b]“Yah gotta kill me first!”[/b] the old codger replied. [b]“And then you'll hafta git away from my house when it explodes! Never thought a that, did ye?!”[/b] The codger tossed aside the rifle he held and picked up another gun at random. This particular weapon was smaller, but looked like it was brand new compared to the others. Summoning the old man grit from within, the codger pulled the trigger three times, aiming for Askia’s torso. The impact of the first two sent her staggering backwards until she was pressed against a wall, and the third shot impaled her arm (for a total of [b]25[/b] damage). Askia tripped directly into another one of the wires as a plume of fire exploded from beneath her (dealing an additional [b]25[/b] damage). The nightmarish blasts reminded the clown of historic lavish fireworks from her past; her old king would demand such booms to ring out a new party or slave. Such darkness she longed to forget, but oblivion remained ever poignant on the tip of her tongue. As she witnessed the finesse and dependence of the gun slinger, barreling shots at her friend. Obscurity vented from her diamond stud engulfing the geezer, as she demanded a farce before risking an illusory ploy. [color=red]“Oh no! What’s wrong with your eyes?”[/color] She snickered. The elder still took deadly aim in the magical smoke, ignoring the clown’s ruse. Koan acted quickly, imploring a minor illusion, to mimic the Theullai’s roar emanating between the codger and Askia. Leaving her mouth agape, she hoped the ebon waters would buy time for the Kobold to work her telepathic mischief without much further disarray. Askia hissed and recoiled in pain as her hand went to cover the bullet wound in an attempt to keep herself from bleeding out. The old geezer was a good shot, she had to admit, but at the same time it infuriated her with how she was getting her ass handed to her by some old cook who probably couldn't even remember what yesterday was. The kobold’s hand clenched and the old fool would feel a crushing force overcome his body ([b]22[/b] damage). It brought her great satisfaction to deal pain to the fart, made her deal better actually ([b]7 HP healed[/b]) but she knew she had to leave. In fact, she turned and swam as fast as her little Kobold body would allow her, quickly ducking around a corner before the old man could take another shot at her. [b]“Gah, ya witch!”[/b] the old geezer called out, writhing in pain from the mystic’s grasp. [b]“Didn’t I tell ya to stay off my lawn? And now ye go and blind me in my own doorway!”[/b] Koan, through the aid of her eldritch vision, could see the merfolk wriggle and struggle against the invisible grasp, seemingly to no avail. [color=red]“We could have had a lot of fun, old man.”[/color] Another whispered Minor Illusion from his left shoulder provided the necessary distraction for the white clown to ferry away with the Kobold, farther away from the rural suburbs of Merish village. The Kor female grabbing the injured draconic telepath, guiding her into the tunnels from whence they originated. Or so she hoped. The two took off down the tunnels, bolting as fast as they could swim away from the grumbling old man. The good news was that it was fairly unlikely that any of the guardsmen were going to implicate them in the explosion. The bad news was that after a few minutes of darting through the tunnels, everything ended up looking the same... or unfamiliar... or both? Finally, it seemed a good idea to slow down and try to figure out whether they were. In front of them was an intersection. On one side was a tunnel that looked like it led downwards with lights along the right side, and the other option held a tunnel moving to the left and upwards with lights along the left side. [color=pink]”We need to go up, it will help us get out of here,”[/color] Askia stated between breaths, remembering the words Cynthia had given the group. [color=red]“Then up, we shall go!”[/color] Koan exclaimed allowing the tunnels to host echoes of her shrill voice. She hoped Askia’s suggestion proved true, but only time would determine if their ascent would be voraciously fruitful. The path continued upwards before it crested a rise and began to head downhill. Another 500 feet passed before another fork appeared. The current path headed downwards while the other path had a sharp corner upwards, lights adorning its right-hand side. The pair took the tunnel heading upwards, following it for several minutes as it looped and wound through the coral. Several homes seemed to adorn this passage, and the path seemed to wind around the construction of the homes rather than following a set straight vector. It dipped upwards and downwards constantly before another fork was presented. One path traveled to the left and the other to the right. Neither path seemed to go decidedly up or down, but both had lights on the right side. The duo put their heads together, as neither path presented a clear choice. They remembered something that Cynthia had said: the lighting in the tunnel would be their guide regardless of the flow of the passages. With this knowledge in mind, they turned around and began following the lighting, keeping it on their left. Eventually, they found themselves on the outside of the coral and back to more familiar space. The Kobold let out a sigh, having time to think about the actions that she had done, managing to almost get herself killed. Looking upon the Kor jester, Askia couldn't help wiggle away from the grasp of Koan and retreat away from her, allowing her mind to block out the pain and rid her of some of the scars that the battle would leave. She was humiliated, almost killed by some junkie and his stupid inventions. [color=pink]”Damnit Askia, you’re losing your edge. First so much money wasted on a stupid trinket, then just about dying,”[/color] the Kobold retold herself, [color=pink]”Feelings are of the heart not the mind. Get a grip, woman.”[/color] With that said, Askia unleashed her lute and began to play. She played a sonnet filled with her frustrations and feelings, one that she couldn't help but cry along the notes, the rises and the drops that filled the song. Soon, a soldier came along and stopped to listen to the piece, entranced by its beauty and soon he began to cry and sob along with the Kobold, purely due to the nature and quality of the sonnet. After a minute of this, he gave of one-hundred gold pieces, thanking Askia for the wondrous song, though she attempted to reject the kind offer, it was insisted and thrust upon the wounded reptilian. Before she could object, the soldier left humming her song to the best of his ability. The trekked distance and melody conjured a jovial sense of peace as Koan wormed apart from her musical compatriot. This brief adventure that the clown shared with this Mystic was a foretaste of further antics to come. And Koan was engorged with excitement.