“Go…” The tiger barked ferociously, as shadows irked back an echelon. [color=662d91]“Aye, Brannor. We will not lurk over you, like vultures, waiting for any sign of deterioration or vibrancy.”[/color] As the monk swept out, the pirate followed his staggering exit. Motioning to Kyra with his Tethyrian cane, the druid ushered the priest towards the door. [color=662d91]“Let us depart, las. It seems we have a shepherd missing from his flock.”[/color] Not lingering any longer, to discern whether the cleric would follow his lead, the briny elder tailed Waladra into the hallway, waiting until enough of an expanse separated the duo from the sight, but likely not from the feline’s acoustic grasp of their delayed conversation. [color=662d91]“Master, you say?”[/color] The dribbled inquiry delved further. [color=662d91]“Did he flee like a deer in cowardice? Or was his disappearance linked before the events here in Greenest?”[/color] The salty senior just sighed, attenuating his line of questions for a reflection. [color=662d91]“Hundreds of mighty oaks are born every year from the amnesia of squirrels, forgetting where their cache of nuts was buried, before the blanket of winter diguised their treasures under snow.”[/color] Freed finally from the torture of Xaron, the sailor’s thoughts fiddled, with ease, about the discordance of forming a search party in lieu of their new mission, to locate and destroy the hoard of a dragon queen. With another tap of his staff, Torus provided a rebuttal to their lost leader. [color=662d91]“My mind doubts your teacher actually desires to be found, lest such a thriving opportunity be squashed from its onset. If he desired reinforcements, someone amongst your fold must know his whereabouts. I don’t believe our attention during such a tumultuous season should be so easily forfeited, while Tiamat’s harvest grows.”[/color] The interrogation again continued. [color=662d91]“Lad, what is so fruitful about reaping this one man?”[/color] [@Hekazu][@Ryonara][@Lucius Cypher][@The Harbinger of Ferocity][@Norschtalen]